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Mrs. Jyoti Rana I Ryan international school jaipur

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Dear Students,
Everyone wants to be a winner. Yet success eludes some but always embraces others. Have you ever wondered why some people always succeed yet others find victory elusive?
The difference is the attitude between the two. People with a positive attitude always find the scales of success and happiness tipping towards themselves. But how can one be positive when we are constantly being bombarded with deadlines, competition and stress of all kinds? Truely in today’s hectic life, it is not easy to be positive, yet studies show that if you think positive and stay happy, then good things happen to you.
Now that we know that positive thinking helps us become a winner, how do we go about achieving this goal.
Begin by staying happy and being around the people who think positive, motivate others and do not speak ill of anyone. You should also never think bad for others or do something to cause harm to anyone.
Smile more often, you will see that it works wonders- for others as well as for yourself.
If you are worried, feel low or did not do well at school or home, remind yourself that it’s not the end of the world. Tomorrow will bring a new day, fresh opportunities and more chances for success.
Talk to yourself- Speaking to one’s self helps clear self doubt and makes many a difficult decisions easy.
Focus on and remember the good times and you will see how miraculously good times will always surround you and be waiting to greet at every corner of life.
Last but not the least- Always remember God. Thank Him for your success and happiness and pray for continued support.
Practice makes a man or woman perfect, therefore remind yourself to stay focused on being positive and slowly it will become a part of your persona. A Positive Person is a Successful Person.
Mrs. Jyoti Rana
Ryan International School Jaipur
Jaipur, Raj., INDIA

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