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Rahul Gandhi on Disqualification: “I Won’t Apologize, My Name Is Not Savarkar”

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Gandhi,Rahul Gandhi

In an attempt to explain why the Prime Minister chose not to apologise, Rahul Gandhi asserted that the Prime Minister is afraid of giving his next speech

an aggressive A day after being removed from the House of Representatives, the leader of the opposition, Rahul Gandhi, attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
In order to explain why the Prime Minister didn’t apologise for his comments made in London and during the defamation trial in which he was found guilty, Mr. Gandhi asserted that the Prime Minister is afraid of giving his next address and made a reference to Veer Savarkar.

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While this was going on, the BJP intensified its criticism of Mr. Gandhi, alleging that the Congress was trying to portray him as a victim in order to get support from voters.”Since the prime minister is worried about my upcoming address, I have been disqualified. I could see the terror in his eyes. They don’t want me to speak in the Parliament because of this “stated the congressman in charge.

In response to the BJP’s demands for an apology, he stated: “Savarkar is not my name. A Gandhi, I am. My refusal to apologise.”He also refuted the BJP’s accusations that he had asked foreign powers to interfere in the nation’s internal affairs. He claimed that he had requested permission from the Speaker to address the accusations made against his remarks from London on the floor of the House.


“BJP leaders asserted that I support forces hostile to India. I informed the Speaker that I had the right to refute these charges. But, he disallowed me,” he remarked. “My only course of action is to fight for the truth and uphold our nation’s democracy. If I’m permanently barred or imprisoned, I’ll still go.

“Do I seem anxious? I’m excited,” a resolute Mr. Gandhi declared.

The BJP quickly responded by restating its charge that Mr. Gandhi insulted OBCs with his comment regarding the Modi surname.”He is not the only one; 32 leaders from all over the country, including six from the BJP, have been disqualified. Rahul Gandhi is being presented by the Party as a

Mr. Gandhi, the prominent representative of the Congress, was found guilty of defamation on Thursday by a court in Gujarat, the state where PM Modi is from. He received a two-year prison term, and the following day he lost his eligibility to serve as an MP. He has not yet filed a higher court appeal of the judgement.

The incident started because of Mr. Gandhi’s purported allegation that PM Modi is a criminal at an electoral rally in 2019. He asked in Kolar, Karnataka, “How come all thieves have Modi as the common surname,” which sparked numerous defamation lawsuits against him across several states.


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The BJP portrayed this comment as part of a smear campaign against people with the surname Modi, and

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