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Sister Helen

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Dear Readers,

Human being is the best creation of God. The Bible says, “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” God has given the intelligence and reasoning power only to human beings. Our life is so valuable. Do we realise that our life is far more precious than gold and diamonds. To make our life worthwhile on this earth we need to have a vision and a mission.

Vision and Belief: Our Inner Potential

The two most important Inner potentials of every individual are the capacity to see a worthy vision and the power to believe in it with conviction. The youth of today fail to visualise these potentials and thus commit suicide. They need to know that a setback is a set up for a comeback. You need to set a worthy goal for yourself and then work to achieve it with patience, perseverance and perfection.


The real taste of success can be experienced if there is contentment in life. This can be achieved by walking on the path of righteousness. When we compromise with our values, the inner joy and peace vanish. Knowledge accompanied with values is true wisdom. Be righteous in your actions, dignified in your ways and diligent in your work.  Let your words soothe a sad heart and your actions bring joy to a depressed soul. Believe in yourself and you can do what you want to do. Today’s children, students and youth are intelligent. Only they lack motivation and hard work. The Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Give your 100% in your work or the job you do. When you give your best you will reap a harvest of plenty and you will be successful. The living example of success is MOM. India woke up a prouder nation on September 24, 2014 as its space scientists heralded a new dawn of Martian conquest. India has become the first Asian country to achieve this great achievement at the cheapest rate till date. ISRO achieved its goal of reaching Mars in two years because they were focussed on their purpose and plan with perseverance, patience and perfection. They were successful because ‘MOM’ was in true sense a Mission for them. The basic amenities like toilets purified water and clean rivers etc. can be achieved in India if we concentrate on this mission with zeal and enthusiasm. We need to have resources, techniques, economic feasibility and determination to achieve the desired goals.   I hope this moment and its aura must have motivated the youth to excel in their respective fields. They need to work with greater zeal and enthusiasm. I wish best of everything to the youth in every walk of life. Dear Students, dream big. Dreaming big means doing what is right with full conscience. Don’t be selfish but selfless. Don’t go with the crowd. If you think that you are doing the right thing before God, go ahead even if you need to stand alone. So Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

God Bless You.

Sister Helen


St. Angela Sophia Sr. Sec. School,


Ghat Gate,  Jaipur, Raj. INDIA

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