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Yogi Adityanath’s Prominent Comment Following the Murder of Atiq Ahmed was “No Mafia Can…”

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Atiq Ahmed

The words from Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath follow the tragic killings of Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf on Saturday night.

Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister, declared today that no mafia or criminal can now pose a threat to businessmen in Uttar Pradesh, days after the gruesome deaths of gangster Atiq Ahmed and his brother sparked outrage over the state’s law and order situation.
The Chief Minister was speaking at a ceremony to commemorate the signing of an MoU for the construction of textile parks in the districts of Lucknow and Hardoi. The PM Massive Integrated Textiles and Apparel (PM Mitra) initiative is responsible for creating the textile parks.

The audience erupted in cheers as he declared, “Today, a professional criminal or a mafia cannot threaten a businessman over the phone.””Unrest in Uttar Pradesh was well-known. Many districts’ names alone made residents frightened. No longer must one be afraid “declared the chief minister.

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Mr. Adityanath, criticising the former Akhilesh Yadav administration, claimed that the state experienced more than 700 riots between 2012 and 2017. “Yet between 2017 and 2023, there were no riots and no curfews in UP. The circumstance did not occur. And this is the most advantageous time to invest in and launch businesses “added he.


Uttar Pradesh now “guarantees effective law and order measures,” according to Mr. Adityanath.

Following the terrible murders of Atiq Ahmed and his brother Ashraf outside a hospital in Prayagraj on Saturday night, the Chief Minister made his views. Three shooters opened fire on the two suspects in the February 24 murder of Umesh Pal as they were being taken to the hospital for a checkup, instantly killing both.Strong opinions about the state’s law and order situation have been raised in response to the murders, which occurred while the two were accompanied by a police squad. Concerns have been raised about evident shortcomings in the police’s planning and response.

The state government has come under fire from the main opposition Samajwadi Party over the murders that occurred on live TV as Atiq Ahmed was speaking to the media.

“In UP, crime has hit an all-time high and offenders are feeling very motivated. One can only image how the general population must be feeling when someone can be slain in broad daylight despite being encircled by security personnel. The purported encounter killings are causing a climate of fear among the general populace. It appears that certain individuals are purposefully cultivating such a mood “Samajwadi Party leader and leader of the opposition in the assembly, Akhilesh Yadav, tweeted.

The state government has mandated a high-level investigation into the killings in the face of criticism. A three-person Special Investigation Team has also been assembled by the UP police to probe into the event.The issue has even made it to the Supreme Court. The court made the decision today to consider a petition calling for an impartial investigation into the murders of the gangster and his brother. In addition, the petitioner requested that the court investigate the rising number of encounter murders committed by UP police. According to the petition, “Such police activities pose a serious threat to democracy and the rule of law and result in a police state.”


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