Vedaa, starring John Abraham and Sharvari, has been in the headlines because its producers revealed two weeks ago that, despite having applied for their film’s certification well in advance, they still haven’t received a censor certificate. After viewing the movie at the end of June, the CBFC Examining Committee (EC) forwarded it to the Revising Committee (RC). On July 29, the RC finally saw the movie and decided to clear it after the makers gave their statement.
There have been rumors circulating that the movie has not had any cuts made. However, Bollywood Hungama has discovered that the CBFC’s RC made several deletions and adjustments to Vedaa.
Exclusive: CBFC omits 9.14 minutes of footage from the Vedaa film starring John Abraham and distorts images showing money notes being torn.
First, narration and a revised disclaimer lasting one minute and sixteen seconds were requested. Changes were requested to a conversation that contained disparaging remarks about women and social identities. Then, a dangling scene that lasted for two to sixteen seconds was removed. The Jodhpur High Court was mentioned without using the word “Jodhpur,” and it was requested that images of violence within the court’s walls be toned down by 30%. The producers were forced to cut the movie’s duration by 6 minutes and 15 seconds.
Not only that, but there’s also a character heard enjoying a mobile phone audio clip featuring Sanskrit shlokas. The CBFC removed this music.
“Bana” was used in place of the derogatory term “behenkhor.” Additionally, the CBFC requested that images showing currency notes being torn and bits of torn notes be blurred. It was also requested that the line “Brahmin son…Shudra’s son” be removed.
Finally, the filmmakers included genuine references to show that the movie is based on real-life occurrences, such as newspaper stories, court rulings, religious texts, etc.
The CBFC eliminated nine minutes and fourteen seconds from the movie overall. On August 6, Vedaa received a U/A certificate following the completion of the modifications. The certificate states that the movie is 150 minutes long. Put differently, Vedaa lasts for two hours and thirty minutes.
August 15 is when the Nikkhil Advani-directed film opens in theaters.
“Padma Shri Ramesh Patange was the Presiding Officer of the RC,” a source told Bollywood Hungama. It is well known that he approves movies about which the EC has doubts. He just passed the contentious movie Hamare Baraah, thus it should come as no surprise that he also passed Vedaa, albeit with some changes.