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Founder of Google: Name and Image

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The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, had a significant impact on technology and the internet, changing how people access information and communicate online

Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google.

Few names are as important in the world of technology and the internet as those of Google’s co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. These two visionaries, who were the brilliant minds behind the creation of Google, not only revolutionised the way we search for and retrieve information but also lay the groundwork for a wide range of inventions that have significantly influenced the digital age. The incredible journey of Larry Page and Sergey Brin is explored in this essay, from their modest beginnings to the founding of Google and the continuing impact they have had on the globe.

Childhood and Education

Larry Page

Larry Page was born to a family of many different religious traditions on March 26, 1973, in Lansing, Michigan. His mother taught computer programming, and his father taught computer science. Page, who was raised in a technologically advanced household, was drawn to computers at a young age and was the first student in his elementary school to turn in assignments using a word processor. At the University of Michigan, where he also developed an original inkjet printer, he studied computer engineering. Later, Page graduated from Stanford University with a master’s in computer science.

Theodore Brin

On August 21, 1973, Sergey Brin was born in Moscow, Soviet Union. At Paint Branch Montessori School, Sergey acquired his early education. He later completed his math and Russian studies at home and attended Eleanor Roosevelt High School. At the University of Maryland, he pursued a Bachelor of Science in computer science and graduated at the age of 19 with honours. At Stanford University, Brin continued his studies to earn his M.S. in computer science in 1995.

Search Engine Optimisation

While earning their PhDs in computer science at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin started a revolutionary journey that would change how we access information on the internet. The PageRank algorithm, a system that determined the significance of online pages based on the quantity and calibre of backlinks, was conceptualised and created by them. They developed a search engine as a result of their idea, which they initially called “BlackRub.” Page and Brin converted their dorm rooms into makeshift laboratories using spare computer components and their programming expertise, creating a search engine project that served as the basis for Google. Their efforts, which were summarised in a seminal research article, represented a turning point in the development of the World Wide Web and greatly improved the usability and utility of online content.


Launch of Google

To emphasise the size of the material they wanted to index, the word “Google” itself is a play on the mathematics phrase “googol,” which is 1 followed by 100 zeros.

In a garage in Menlo Park, California, Larry Page and Sergey Brin formally formed Google Inc. in September 1998. Google immediately became well-known thanks to its effective search results. This signalled the start of the digital revolution, which changed how we access and use information.

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We will commemorate a quarter-century, or the 25th birthday anniversary of this tech giant’s profound influence on the digital environment, on September 27, 2023. Google’s innovations have changed how we navigate the internet and have shaped our world from its modest beginnings.

The legacy of Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin has not only changed the IT sector, but also shown a dedication to philanthropy. In order to promote numerous philanthropic causes and social activities, they formed the “Google Foundation” (now known as in 2005. Page and Brin left their positions at Alphabet in 2019.

A History of Google

Over time, Google broadened its boundaries and launched a number of innovative projects:


Google’s Chrome web browser was released in September 2008, ushering in a new era of online browsing.

Changes in leadership: In January 2011, Eric Schmidt stepped down as Executive Chairman and Larry Page reclaimed his position as Google’s CEO.

Google Glass: In June 2012, Sergey Brin dazzled the globe by demonstrating the Google Glass prototype while skydiving in real time.

Alphabet Inc.: As part of a corporate restructure in August 2015, Google established Alphabet Inc. as its parent company.

Innovation Outside of Google: Larry Page and Sergey Brin have turned their attention to innovation outside of Google and have made investments in “Flying Cars.”


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