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Narendra Modi’s speech after victory in 4 states

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Narendra Modi

In the evening after victory in four of the five states buzzed at the BJP office in Delhi on Thursday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached the office amidst flower petals and garlands from head to toe. There was only one voice around BJP, India and Modi…

And then welcome, welcome, welcome. After all the guests on stage had spoken, Modi came and said a lot…

Narendra Modi said – Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai. Today is a day of excitement. It is a day of celebration. This festival is for the democracy of India. I congratulate all the voters who took part in these elections. The way our mothers, sisters and youth have given full support to the BJP, it is a big sign in itself. I am also satisfied that the first time voters took part in the voting with great enthusiasm and ensured the victory of BJP. During the election, BJP workers had promised me that this time Holi will start from March 10 itself. Our workers have fulfilled this promise by hoisting this victory flag. I deeply admire those who worked day and night in these elections and were successful in winning the trust of the people. Congratulations to our national president who guided the workers.

Today our workers have hit the boundary of victory. Uttar Pradesh had given many prime ministers to the country, but this is the first instance of a chief minister who has completed a five-year term. Now Nadda ji told in detail that after 37 years in Uttar Pradesh, a government has come to power for the second time in a row. BJP’s vote share has increased despite being in government in three states UP, Goa and Manipur.


In Goa, all the exit polls turned out to be wrong and the people there gave us a chance to serve again. Even after being in power for 10 years, the number of BJP seats in the state has increased. BJP has created new history in Uttarakhand too. For the first time in the state, a party has come to power for the second time in a row. A hilly state adjoining the border, a seaside state and a state with special blessings of Mother Ganga and a state on the northeastern border… BJP has got blessings from all four directions.

The challenges in these states are different. The path of everyone’s journey of development is different, but one thread is faith in BJP, BJP’s policy, BJP’s intention and immense faith in BJP’s decisions. These results are a big seal on the pro-poor, pro-active governance of the BJP.

Earlier people used to get tired of knocking on the doors of the government for their own rights. For basic facilities like electricity, water, telephone, one had to go to government offices and pay money. The avenues of convenience were different and used to reach some resourceful people. Many schemes were made in the name of the poor in the country, but whoever was entitled to them, the poor who had the right, should get this right without any hassle, for this the importance of good governance and delivery is important. BJP understands this. I have come after working as Chief Minister for a long time. I know how hard one should work for the comfort of the last man.

Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi

We have improved the governance delivery system. BJP assures the poor that the facilities given by the government will definitely reach every poor. I am not a person to sit peacefully without taking the rights of the poor to their homes. He has had the opportunity of serving as the Head of the Government for more than two decades. I know how many problems there are in government and governance. Despite this, he has such courage, which probably no one can do. I had expressed that courage in my speech of 15th August. I had said that wherever BJP gets a chance to serve, we will do 100% saturation for the entitled. Had the courage to take 100 percent of the government’s schemes to every poor person. When there is honesty, there is clear intention, there is compassion for the poor, there is a mantra for the welfare of the country, then such courage is born.

Today I pay special tribute to women, sisters, daughters. He has a big contribution in the election. It is our good fortune that the sisters, daughters and mothers have given so much affection, so much blessings to the BJP, where the women voters have voted more than the men, the BJP has got a bumper victory. Our mothers, sisters, daughters, women power have become witnesses of BJP’s victory.

Narendra Modi Said – When I was in Gujarat, sometimes such incidents used to happen that people used to worry that why Modi ji does not take care of your security, why does he not take care of himself. I used to give only one answer that I have got the protection shield of women’s power of various mothers. Mothers and daughters of India are continuously believing in BJP. They have got confidence for the first time that the government takes care of their smallest needs.


I ask all the wise people to leave the old worn out things and start thinking new things for the betterment of the country. Very sad for this country. I too used to experience this, when these wise people used to weigh the people of UP with the scale of casteism only and looked at it with that view. By tying the citizens of UP in the barricade of casteism, they used to insult those citizens and Uttar Pradesh. Some people defame UP by saying that caste runs in UP. 2014, 2017, 2019 and 2022… Every time the people of UP have chosen only the politics of development. The people of UP have given this lesson to these people. They have to learn this lesson. The poorest person of UP, every citizen has given a lesson that the dignity of caste, the value of caste, should be for connecting the country, not for breaking it. It has been done in four elections.

Today I will also say that after the 2019 election results, some political experts had said that what is in the victory of 2019, it was decided in 2017 itself, because the result of UP came in 2017. I believe that this time also these wise men will surely dare to say that the results of 2022 have decided the results of 2024.

Narendra Modi said -I will also give special praise to the BJP workers of Punjab today. The way he has raised the party’s flag in adverse circumstances, he will develop the strength of BJP in Punjab and the strength of the country in the coming times. I am seeing this in front of my eyes, BJP has to emerge as a force in Punjab. Being a border state, keeping that state alert from separatist politics will be done by a BJP worker. In the coming 5 years, every worker of BJP is going to fulfill this responsibility there vigorously, I want to give this confidence to the people of Punjab.

These elections have taken place at a time when the whole world is fighting the biggest corona epidemic of 100 years. If it was less, then the war has also increased the worries of the world. Under these circumstances, supply chains around the world have been disrupted. The supply chain has been very adversely affected for 2 years and the war only made it worse. The steps taken by India to deal with these challenges, the decisions taken at the economic level, the decisions taken for the welfare of the poor, have helped India to move ahead safely. India has survived because our policies remained grounded. Our efforts continued to move forward on the track of integrity and intention.

Narendra Modi said – Wherever there was a double engine government, the interests of the people were protected. The war that is going on is directly and indirectly affecting every country in the world. India is in favor of peace. It is in favor of resolving every problem through dialogue, the countries which are directly fighting the war, India has a relationship with them in economic, security, education, political terms. Many of India’s needs are related to these countries. The crude oil, palm oil, sun flower oil that India imports from outside, its price is also increasing.


Narendra Modi Said -States like Uttar Pradesh have shown their vision. The way the voters of India voted for stable governments in these elections, it is a symbol of the fact that democracy is in the veins of Indians. Brothers and sisters, today on this occasion I want to put some of my concerns in front of the country. The citizen of the country is doing his work in the interest of the country with a lot of responsibility. Whenever he gets the opportunity, he behaves with responsibility. The common citizen of the country is engaged in nation building, but some people in our country are continuously lowering the level of politics. Even in this time of Corona, we have seen that people have continuously tried to mislead the countrymen. The world is applauding our efforts to vaccinate, but on this sacred and humanitarian act, India’s vaccine has also been questioned. Even when thousands of Indian students and citizens were stranded in Ukraine, there was talk of breaking the morale of the country. Work was being done to increase the concern of those who were trapped there. These people were increasing the feeling of insecurity among those children. These people also tried to tie Operation Ganga to the shackles of statehood. Efforts to give color of regionalism, regionalism, casteism to every scheme, every work is a matter of concern for the bright future of India.

In these elections, I have consistently talked about development. Home to the poor, ration to the poor, vaccines, modern infrastructure, BJP’s vision has been placed in front of the people on every subject. The thing I expressed the most concern about was familism. I told people that I am not against the family, I am not against any particular person. But I say this, just weigh it on the scales of democracy. How much familyism has done so much damage to the state and took the state back. Realizing this, voters have cast their vote in this election. Strengthened the power of democracy.

In a democracy like India, this debate needs to happen continuously. The issues I am ( Narendra Modi ) raising need to be debated. One day or the other will come when the sunset of family politics in India will remain as citizens. In this election, the voters of the country have shown their understanding and have indicated what is going to happen. Today I want to raise another topic. Conspiracy to stop action against corruption. Friends, there is a feeling of hatred among the people against corruption in our country. The tendency of filling the vault by looting the hard earned money of the country has become associated with the identity of some people. The BJP won in 2014 by promising an honest government. In 2019, people blessed us more.

First they do corruption worth thousands of crores, then they don’t even allow investigation to be done, it is the tendency of these people to put pressure on them if there is an investigation. These people give the color of religion, color of state, color of caste as soon as action is taken against a corrupt person. These new ways have started. Even if the court gives a verdict against a mafia, these people associate it with religion. I urge the honest people who are proud of all sects and castes of India, to take courage to remove such corrupt, mafia from their society, sect and caste. This will strengthen the society, the sect will also be strong. One of the reasons for our victory in UP is that those people have suffered a lot due to such politics. I am the MP of Banaras. The love and blessings of the people of UP made me a UPwala too. Being an MP from Banaras, I can say from experience that the people of UP have understood that one has to stay away from those who defame the caste. The development of the state has to be given top priority.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said – India is entering the nectar of independence. These elections reflect our national resolve. From here on we’re gonna work fast together. On one hand our emphasis is on the welfare of villages, poor, small farmers. On the other hand, we want to accelerate the mission of self-reliance by giving new opportunities to the country’s resources, youth power. Till date the youth of India is giving solutions to the world with the help of his talent, with the power of intelligence and by the use of his ability. The world’s largest and fastest vaccination campaign is a great example of India’s potential today. Today India is becoming self-reliant in digital payment system. It is increasing its capability in the field of startup and achieving new achievements in the field of technology. This is happening because of youth power.


Today such a new India is being built, where you are identified with you. I am sure that following the mantra of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas, we will take our states to new heights. When every state of the country develops, then the country will also develop. Worked in Gujarat, our mantra in Gujarat was that development of Gujarat for the development of India. The country has to be taken forward with big resolutions and intentions.

Such a grand victory is the guarantee of a bright future for India. I congratulate the voters who cast their decisive vote for a bright future. Praise the voters by clapping with both hands up. Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai…