The company receives approval for trial recruitment, and the robot will install a chip in its brain
The Independent Institutional Review Board has approved the recruitment of participants for Elon Musk’s brain-chip business Neuralink’s initial human study. As a result, Neuralink will now be able to find volunteers for its human experiments. Even the blind will be able to see via the chip if the human testing is successful. Patients with paralysis will have mental capacity and computer skills.
The first patient will soon receive the Neuralink device, according to Elon Musk. The entire body can regain movement thanks to it. Think about Stephen Hawking having this. An internationally renowned British cosmologist and physicist, Stephen Hawking. He had a condition known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The entire body’s movement is stopped when this sickness strikes.
The completion of the study will take roughly 6 years.
Participants in the trial can have quadriplegia brought on by an ALS or cervical spinal cord damage, according to Neuralink. He should be at least 22 years old. The completion of the study will take roughly 6 years. The participant will be reimbursed for study-related expenses during this time, including transport costs to and from the study site.
The business plans to conduct trials to examine how patients respond to the device. The N1 implant, R1 robot, and N1 user app’s security will also be examined. The company has not yet provided information regarding the trial’s start date or participant count. The US Food and Drug Administration had earlier in May given the business the go-ahead for the trial.
The Neuralink gadget will be surgically implanted in the brain.
The N1 implant will be surgically inserted into patients in the region of the brain that regulates movement. The R1 robot will do this procedure. All N1 implant holders will be required to operate the computer. The N1 user app will also be included with the N1 implant. These individuals will then be required to provide feedback on the entire system.
The Neuralink device: what is it?
1. Computer will function with simply thought
A coin-sized gadget has been produced by Neuralink. It is known as Link. Through brain activity (neural impulses), this technology provides direct control of a computer, smartphone, or any other device. For instance, a paralysed person who has a chip inserted in his brain will be able to move the mouse cursor by simply thinking about it.
2. An invisible cosmetic chip
Neuralink stated that it is developing a fully implanted, virtually undetectable brain-computer interface that will allow users to manage a computer or mobile device wherever they are. Moving parts of the brain will be implanted with micron-scale threads. Each thread connects the implant with a number of electrodes.
3. Design of robotic systems
The business claimed that because the threads on the connections are so thin and flexible, a human hand cannot install them. The business has created a robotic method to accomplish this. This will make it possible to implant the thread effectively and firmly.
Neuralink app has also been created in addition to this. Brain activity enables direct control of your keyboard and mouse with just your thoughts.
A chip will lead to a revolution.
According to Neuralink, the primary objective of our technology is to enable people with paralysis to operate computers and mobile devices. We aim to empower them with autonomy. We want these people to be able to use our technology to express their talent in photography. Numerous neurological conditions could potentially be treated using this method.
Will it be safe to use?
When implanting a chip, there is always a danger linked with general anaesthesia. In such a case, risk can be decreased by shortening the process time. The company has created a neurosurgical robot for this purpose in order to implant the electrodes more effectively.
Furthermore, the robot has been built to put a thread through a 25 mm diameter hole in the skull. When a gadget is placed into the brain, there is also a risk of haemorrhage. To reduce this, the company is employing micro-scale threads.
application of a brain-computer interface
The technique used by Elon Musk to construct the chip is known as Brain-Computer Interfaces, or BCIs for short. For years, many other companies have been working on this. This technology employs microscopic electrodes implanted in the brain to “read” impulses from neighbouring neurons. These impulses are subsequently decoded by software into orders or actions, such as moving a cursor or a robotic arm.
Brain Control Interfaces was founded six years ago.
Musk debuted his implantation robot two years ago and created the company Brain Control Interfaces six years ago. At a ‘Show and Tell’ session held six months ago at Neuralink’s California offices, Musk gave an update on the development of his invention.
Through telepathy, the monkey typed
Musk also displayed a clip of a chimpanzee playing pinball without a joystick at the occasion. The monkey used telepathy to type as well. The Neuralink team also ran a surgical robot demonstration. It demonstrated how the procedure is completed entirely by the robot.