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व्यंग्यकार फारूक आफरीदी (Farooq Afridy)की पुस्तक ‘धन्य है आम आदमी’ पर हुई चर्चा




व्यंग्य आम आदमी की परेशानियों को कम करने का सशक्त हथियार है -डॉ.हेतु भारद्वाज

देश की अग्रणी साहित्य संस्था कलमकार मंच की ओर से विद्याश्रम स्कूल के सुरुचि केन्द्र में आयोजित ख्यात व्यंग्यकार फारूक आफरीदी (Farooq Afridy)की किताब ‘धन्य है आम आदमी’ पर संवाद कार्यक्रम में वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार डॉ. हेतु भारद्वाज ने अपने अध्यक्षीय उद्बोधन में कहा कि व्यंग्य आम आदमी की परेशानियों और दुखों को कम करने का माध्यम है। व्यंग्य का प्रयोग स्थितियों को देखकर किया जाए तो ज्यादा दमदार होगा। भाषा को मनुष्य का सबसे बड़ा अविष्कार बताते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि भाषा की ताकत का कोई तोड़ नहीं है। स्थिति और भाषा का समुचित प्रयोग किया जाना चाहिए तभी लेखन में निखार आता है। सोशल मीडिया पर चाहे सब उपलब्ध हो, लेकिन आज भी किताबों का कोई विकल्प नहीं है।


दो सत्रों में आयोजित इस कार्यक्रम में संस्था के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक वरिष्ठ पत्रकार एवं गीतकार निशांत मिश्रा ने कहा कि जब तक किताबों पर चर्चा नहीं होगी, पाठकों का ध्यान आकर्षित नहीं होगा और न ही किताब पाठकों के बीच लोकप्रिय होगी। उन्होंने आगामी 6 और 7 अगस्त को जयपुर में होने वाले दो दिवसीय ‘कलमकार साहित्य महोत्सव’ की जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि यह महोत्सव वरिष्ठ पत्रकार एवं साहित्यकार स्व. ईशमधु तलवार को समर्पित होगा।
पुस्तक चर्चा में व्यंग्यकार प्रभात गोस्वामी ने कहा कि एक समय था कि लेखक आम आदमी की श्रेणी से अलग हुआ करता था, पर आज लेखक भी आम आदमी की ही तरह हो गया है । इसकी वजह यह है कि किताबों के पास पाठक नहीं है। सोशल मीडिया ने किताबें पढने का जुनून कम कर दिया है। कुछ भी लिखने से पूर्व लेखक को सोचना पड़ता है कि उसे किस तरीके की प्रतिक्रिया झेलनी पड़ सकती है। मुख्यमंत्री के विशेषाधिकारी एवं वरिष्ठ व्यंग्यकार अनुराग वाजपेयी ने कहा कि किताब में शामिल व्यंग्य आम आदमी की परेशानियों को बखूबी उजागर करते हैं। वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार श्री श्रीकृष्ण शर्मा ने ‘धन्य है आम आदमी’ व्यंग्य संग्रह में प्रयुक्त लगभग 37 लोकोक्तियों, मुहावरों और सुक्तियों का उल्लेख करते हुए कहा कि यहअपने आप में खासा दिलचस्प है। वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार, भाषाविद और कवि नरेन्द्र शर्मा ‘कुसुम’ ने कहा कि हमारे समाज में बहुत सी दुर्बलताएं हैं और उन्हीं पर प्रहार करने के उद्देश्य से ही व्यंग्य लिखा जाता है। व्यंग्य कहने वाला हंस रहा हो और सुनने वाला अंदर तक कुढ़ रहा हो, वही व्यंग्य है।
व्यंग्य संग्रह के लेखक फारूक आफरीदी (Farooq Afridy) ने कहा कि इस किताब में शामिल सभी व्यंग्य समग्र समाज और विशेष रूप से आम आदमी कष्टों और विडंबनाओं का लेखा जोखा है। समाज में जो घटित हो रहा है उसे ही उजागर करने का प्रयास रचनाओं में किया गया है। वरिष्ठ पत्रकार और व्यंग्यकार डॉ.यश गोयल और डॉ. तराना परवीन ने भी अपने विचार व्यक्त किए। सत्र का संचालन डॉ. ऊषा दशोरा ने किया।

Hetu Bhardwaj
समारोह के अध्यक्ष डॉ. हेतु भारद्वाज व्यंग्य संग्रह पर अपने विचार व्यक्त करते हुए

दूसरे सत्र में युवा व्यंग्य लेखक जितेन्द्र शर्मा ने कुर्सी बचाने और पाने के लिए होने वाली बाड़ेबंदी पर, मुख्यमंत्री के विशेषाधिकारी एवं साहित्यकार अनुराग वाजपेयी ने तीये की बैठकों के विज्ञापन और मृत्यु के समाचारों पर केन्द्रित और फारूक आफरीदी (Farooq Afridy)ने जुमलेबाजी के बढ़ते वर्चस्व और समाज को भुलावे में रखने वाले बयानों और नारों के लेखन पर आधारित अपनी व्यंग्य रचानाएं सुनाकर उपस्थित श्रोताओं की दाद बटोरी। सेवानिवृत्त वरिष्ठ प्रशासनिक अधिकारी राजेन्द्र भानावत ने कहा कि आम आदमी शासन और प्रशासन के केंद्र में रहना चाहिए।इस अवसर पर उन्होंने अपनी व्यंग्य कविता ‘ऐसे ही चलता है’ सुनाई। पूर्व आईएएस डॉ. सत्यनारायण सिंह ने फारूक अफरीदी को संग्रह के लिए बधाई दी और कहा कि व्यंग्य सामाजिक परिवर्तन का आधार है।
कार्यक्रम में राजस्थान मेला प्राधिकरण के उपाध्यक्ष रमेश बोराणा, वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार कृष्ण कल्पित, पत्रकार विनोद भारद्वाज, अरिंदम मिश्र, कवि प्रेमचंद गांधी, किस्सागोई फेम लेखिका उमा, फिल्म निर्देशक गजेन्द्र एस. श्रोत्रिय, समाजसेवी पंचशील जैन, नवल पांडेय, विनोद शर्मा, प्रेमलता शर्मा, शायर फानी जोधपुरी, नफीस आफरीदी, पूनम भाटिया, दीपक कुमार राय, नदीम आफरीदी, डॉ.प्रणु शुक्ला, डॉ. राकेश कुमार, धर्मपाल, सहित बड़ी संख्या में साहित्यप्रेमी मौजूद थे।


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Unlock Your Destiny: November 18, 2024 Horoscope Predictions



Horoscope Predictions

Discover What the Stars Have in Store for You Today

As we dive into November 18, 2024, the celestial bodies align to provide unique insights and guidance for each zodiac sign. Whether you’re seeking love, career advice, or personal growth, today’s horoscope offers valuable predictions that can help you navigate your day with confidence.

Key Highlights for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: Embrace Constructive Change

Today, Aries individuals may find themselves in a position to capitalize on new opportunities. Financial gains are on the horizon, but be wary of workplace dynamics that could lead to dissatisfaction. Focus on fostering positive relationships with colleagues to enhance your work environment.
Love Insight: Plan a romantic evening to strengthen your bond with your partner. Celebrate their achievements and show your support.


Taurus: Navigate Financial Challenges

Taurus may face unexpected financial strains today. It’s essential to remain cautious with spending and prioritize family time over material desires.
Love Insight: Stress from financial issues could impact your relationships. Engage in open communication with loved ones to alleviate tension.

Gemini: A Day of Recognition

Gemini can expect a day filled with success and acknowledgment for their hard work. This is an excellent time to showcase your talents and reap the rewards of your efforts.
Love Insight: Positive energy surrounds your romantic life, making it a great day for deepening connections.

Cancer: Prioritize Emotional Well-Being

Cancers should prepare for potential emotional challenges today. High expenses may lead to stress, so focus on self-care and managing your finances wisely.
Love Insight: Take time for yourself to recharge emotionally. Avoid overspending as a means of comfort.


Leo: Seize Business Opportunities

Leos are likely to encounter promising business ventures today. Support from siblings or close friends can boost your confidence and help you make significant strides in your career.Love Insight: Enjoy exciting interactions with loved ones that can enhance your romantic life.

Virgo: Strengthen Your Reputation

Virgos may see improvements in their professional reputation today. Family support will play a crucial role in bolstering your confidence as you engage in social activities.
Love Insight: Relationships can flourish through increased social interactions; cherish these moments with loved ones.

Libra: Focus on Health

Libras might experience health concerns today, making it vital to prioritize stress management and self-care practices.
Love Insight: Healthy communication is essential; address any misunderstandings calmly to maintain harmony in relationships.


Scorpio: Embrace Introspection

Scorpios should take today for introspection and emotional healing. It’s a day to focus on mental peace rather than external validation.
Love Insight: Take time away from social obligations to nurture yourself emotionally.

Sagittarius: Positive Changes Ahead

Sagittarians can look forward to easing challenges and positive changes in their work strategies.
Love Insight: Partner support will be invaluable in making important decisions today; lean on them for guidance.

Capricorn: Manage Financial Expectations

Capricorns may face health concerns that could affect their energy levels today. Be cautious about financial decisions as disappointments may arise.
Love Insight: Family support will provide comfort during challenging times; cherish these connections.


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Aquarius: Navigate Emotional Ups and Downs

Aquarians might experience emotional fluctuations today, making creative outlets essential for finding solace.
Love Insight: Focus on self-care practices such as meditation or hobbies that restore balance in your life.

Pisces: Address Anxiety

Pisceans may find themselves feeling anxious without clear reasons today. Financial satisfaction could also be elusive, so practice patience and mindfulness.
Love Insight: Calmly address any disagreements with partners; patience is key to maintaining harmony.


As you navigate November 18, 2024, remember that the stars provide guidance but ultimately, you hold the power to shape your destiny. Use these insights to enhance your relationships, manage challenges, and embrace opportunities that come your way.

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Dazzling Winter Wedding Outfit Ideas for Women: Stay Stylish and Warm!



Winter Wedding Outfit Ideas

Winter weddings in India are a magical affair, filled with vibrant colors, intricate decorations, and heartfelt celebrations. However, choosing the perfect outfit can be challenging, especially when considering the chilly weather. This guide provides stunning winter wedding outfit ideas for women that blend tradition with modernity, ensuring you look fabulous while staying warm.

Why Winter Weddings Are Unique

Winter weddings often feature rich fabrics and darker color palettes that reflect the season’s elegance. The festive spirit is complemented by the cozy atmosphere, making it essential to choose outfits that are not only beautiful but also practical for the colder temperatures.


Key Considerations for Winter Wedding Outfits

  • Fabric Choices: Opt for heavier materials like velvet, silk, or brocade that provide warmth.
  • Layering: Incorporate layers such as jackets or shawls to enhance comfort without compromising style.
  • Color Palette: Darker shades like burgundy, navy blue, and emerald green are perfect for winter celebrations.

Top Outfit Ideas for Winter Weddings

1. Velvet Lehengas

Velvet lehengas are a luxurious choice for winter weddings. The plush fabric not only keeps you warm but also adds a regal touch to your look. Pair it with a full-sleeve blouse or an embroidered jacket to complete the ensemble.


2. Anarkali Suits

Anarkali suits are timeless and versatile. Choose styles made from silk or heavy georgette that feature long sleeves. Adding a matching shawl can elevate your outfit while providing extra warmth.


3. Sarees with Capes

Indian woman wearing

Sarees are a classic option for Indian weddings. For winter, consider draping your saree with a stylish cape or opting for a full-sleeve blouse. Fabrics like silk or heavier georgette work beautifully in colder weather.

4. Shararas

sharara suit

Shararas are both comfortable and chic, making them ideal for winter festivities. Look for options with long sleeves and layer them with a stylish jacket or shawl to keep cozy while dancing the night away.

5. Indo-Western Gowns

Indian woman wearing 2

For cocktail receptions, an Indo-Western floor-length gown can make a statement. Opt for gowns with long sleeves or layer them with a fashionable cape to add warmth without sacrificing style.

6. Layered Outfits

DALL·E 2024 11 17 20.20.36 A stylish Indian woman wearing a layered outfit showcasing a modern yet culturally inspired look. The attire features multiple layers with rich

Layering is key in winter fashion. Combine your outfit with an embroidered jacket or pashmina shawl to create a chic look while ensuring you stay warm throughout the event.

7. Long Kurtas with Trousers

A long kurta paired with trousers can be both comfortable and fashionable. Choose rich colors and intricate embroidery to keep the festive spirit alive.

Accessorizing Your Winter Wedding Outfit

  • Footwear: Consider stylish yet comfortable footwear like embellished juttis or block heels that are suitable for dancing.
  • Jewelry: Statement earrings or layered necklaces can enhance your outfit without overwhelming it.
  • Outerwear: A light shawl or tailored blazer can be useful for cooler evenings while adding sophistication to your look.

Color and Fabric Recommendations

  • Colors: Embrace darker shades like maroon, navy blue, emerald green, and royal purple to add richness to your appearance.
  • Fabrics: Velvet, silk, and heavy brocade are excellent choices that provide warmth and elegance during winter weddings.

Winter weddings offer a unique opportunity to showcase your style while embracing the season’s charm. By selecting outfits that combine comfort and elegance, you can enjoy the festivities without worrying about the cold. Whether you opt for a velvet lehenga, anarkali suit, or an Indo-Western gown, remember to accessorize thoughtfully and choose fabrics that keep you warm.With these outfit ideas in mind, you’re ready to dazzle at any winter wedding celebration!


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Art cultivates human sensitivity: Surendra Rajan



Art Cultivates Human Sensitivity

Jaipur, 9 Nov. 2024: Art cultivates human sensitivity, a sentiment powerfully expressed by renowned artist and actor Surendra Rajan at the launch of Sudhir Barodiya’s first story collection, Tum Ho Chitra Sakha. Held at the Pink City Press Club, Jaipur, this event brought together literary enthusiasts and art aficionados alike to celebrate Barodiya’s entry into the literary world.

Surendra Rajan on How Art Cultivates Human Sensitivity at Sudhir Barodiya’s Book Launch

Surendra Rajan emphasized that whether it’s through poetry, painting, or music, art serves as a profound medium for connecting with human emotions. “Art fosters sensitivity in people, reaching deeply into emotions that often go unexpressed in daily life,” Rajan said, underscoring the power of creative expression. Rajan’s words provided a fitting prelude to an event centered on artistic exploration and emotional depth.


Celebrating Sudhir Barodiya’s Debut Story Collection

In his debut collection, Sudhir Barodiya skillfully illustrates life’s complexities and joys through a literary lens that is both artistic and contemplative. The book, titled Tum Ho Chitra Sakha, explores a tapestry of emotions, including love, compassion, and existential struggle. Attendees expressed admiration for Barodiya’s approach to storytelling, which draws from his extensive background as an acclaimed painter and poet. His work weaves together a narrative that resonates on both a personal and societal level, adding depth to his literary voice.

Nand Bhardwaj, a prominent poet and critic, presided over the event, lauding Barodiya’s sensitivity in expressing human experience. According to Bhardwaj, “When experiences and feelings are captured in well-crafted words, they achieve powerful expression, which should be sustained over time.” This sentiment aligns well with the book’s underlying theme: art as a vehicle for human connection and self-reflection.

The Essence of Poetry in Artistic Expression

Distinguished poet Krishna Kalpit highlighted the timeless connection between painting and poetry, noting how both forms bridge hearts and cultivate empathy. Kalpit praised Barodiya’s talent for capturing life’s delicate moments, observing that his poetry reflects the nuanced vision of an artist. He pointed out that poets who are also painters possess a rare imaginative capacity, infusing their work with a depth unique to visual artists. “The heart-to-heart connection in poetry has no market, but it reaches the soul,” Kalpit stated, illustrating the purity of artistic expression.


The essence of Barodiya’s poetry lies in its ability to evoke visual imagery through language. His poems reflect life’s myriad colors, emphasizing harmony, beauty, and emotional depth, qualities that mirror the delicate balance found in visual arts.

Kavi Sudhir Barodiya’s Unique Artistic Vision

One of the evening’s honored guests, Farooq Afridy, described Barodiya’s poems as a collage of life, capturing various facets of human existence. “In his poetry, Barodiya brings to life images that resonate with our philosophy and sociology, using colors and forms that transcend mere words,” Afridi explained. He further noted that the poet’s background in painting enriches his poetry, making it an intricate tapestry of symbolic images.

Young writer Tasneem Khan praised Barodiya for breathing life into cultural symbols and metaphors that are slowly vanishing from our lives. “Through his poems, Barodiya revives words from folk culture that are fading from our daily vocabulary, weaving them into his artistic vision,” she remarked. This fusion of traditional language with modern expression underscores Barodiya’s ability to balance the old and the new, creating poems that resonate across generations.


Audience’s Reaction and Reflections

Barodiya captivated the audience with a reading of selected poems from his collection, drawing applause for his evocative language and imaginative prowess. Attendees, many of whom were poets, artists, and critics, expressed their admiration for his ability to blend art and poetry seamlessly. Premchand Gandhi, the event’s organizer, also commended Barodiya’s literary journey, noting the poet’s unique contributions to both the artistic and literary communities.

In summary, the event underscored how art cultivates human sensitivity and offered insights into the transformative power of creativity. As Surendra Rajan eloquently put it, art remains a vital force, inspiring empathy and deepening our connection to the world around us. For more on the impact of art and literature in today’s world, you can explore insightful perspectives from acclaimed artists and poets through the Literary Hub and other respected cultural platforms.

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Mohammad Rafi Birth Centenary Celebrated with Musical Tribute in Jaipur



Deepak Mahan

Jaipur, October 22, 2024 – The year 2024 marks the birth centenary of the legendary playback singer Mohammad Rafi, fondly remembered for his exceptional voice, humility, and generosity. Known as Rafi Sahab, his timeless contribution to Indian music and his compassionate persona have made him a beloved figure across the globe. Every year, thousands of tributes are paid to the late singer through musical events held in India and abroad.

In honor of his 100th birth anniversary, Jaipur’s renowned art organization Swar Surabhi hosted a special musical evening titled “Pukarta Chala Hoon Main” on October 21 at Maharana Pratap Auditorium. The event paid homage to “Geeton ke Masiha: Rafi Sahab” through a series of his most iconic songs, performed by some of the city’s leading artists.

Prakash Chhabalani
Prakash Chhabalani

A Musical Tribute to Rafi Sahab

The event, conceptualized by Dr. Prakash Chhablani, featured renowned artists Deepak Mahaan, Maru Kokila Seema Mishra, Mamta Jha, and Shashi Mahan. Together, they transported the audience to the golden era of Bollywood music with soulful renditions of Mohammad Rafi’s classics. The auditorium resonated with nostalgia as these talented singers recreated Rafi Sahab’s magic on stage.

Distinguished Guests in Attendance

The evening saw the presence of several notable guests, including Sangeeta Gupta, daughter of legendary music composer Madan Mohan, Professor Suman Yadav, a respected musician and academic, graced the event as the chief guest. Among the special guests were Uday Mishra, Chairman of Trimurti Colonizers & Builders, and renowned painter Gopal Khetanchi. Their presence added to the evening’s significance and paid respect to the everlasting legacy of Mohammad Rafi.

Deepak Mahan’s Powerful Tribute: Over 20 Songs in Honor of Mohammad Rafi

In a heartfelt tribute to the legendary Mohammad Rafi, Deepak Mahan captivated the audience by singing more than 20 of Rafi Sahab’s iconic songs. When he performed the classic “O Duniya Ke Rakhwale,” the auditorium erupted in applause, giving him a standing ovation. Seema Mishra added to the magical evening with her soulful rendition of “Dil Deewana Bin Sajna Ke Maane Na,” filling the venue with a romantic ambiance.

A Free Musical Evening for All

True to the spirit of generosity that Mohammad Rafi embodied, the event was made free of charge for all music lovers. The audience, which included Rafi Sahab’s ardent fans and connoisseurs of classic Bollywood music, enjoyed an unforgettable evening of melodies that continue to inspire generations.

A Global Icon Remembered

From his captivating voice to his humility and philanthropic deeds, Mohammad Rafi remains an eternal figure in the world of music. The centenary celebrations are a fitting tribute to his legendary status, not just in India but across the world. With numerous events organized globally in his honor, “Pukarta Chala Hoon Main” in Jaipur was a heartfelt homage to the man whose music continues to touch hearts.


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Bhutta Khan Manganiyar mesmerized Jaipur audience at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Infosys Foundation cultural outreach programme



Bhutta Khan Manganiyar

Jaipur, October 22, 2024 – The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Infosys Foundation Cultural Outreach Program continues to revive and promote the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan. In its 108th series, the event celebrated Rajasthan’s folk music and arts, with a spectacular performance by the renowned artist Bhutta Khan Manganiyar and his team. The evening, organized in collaboration with Time Bank of India, took place at Maharana Pratap Auditorium, where the artists captivated the audience with their soulful renditions and traditional instruments.

Reviving Rajasthan’s Folk Art

The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Infosys Foundation Cultural Outreach Program has been a crucial platform for reviving and showcasing the traditional folk arts of Rajasthan. This initiative aims to re-establish the value of Rajasthan’s cultural legacy by bringing folk artists to the forefront. In this edition, the spotlight was on Bhutta Khan Manganiyar, a legendary figure in the realm of Rajasthani folk music, who performed along with his collaborators, casting a musical spell on the audience.


An Evening of Soulful Folk Music

The event, held on Tuesday from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM, witnessed Bhutta Khan’s melodious voice filling the auditorium with an aura of devotion and gratitude. His soulful rendition of “Mere Sanwariya Ke Hazaar Naam,” which praises the various names of Lord Krishna, transformed the venue into a divine space. The listeners were enthralled by the rich cultural significance of the song, which beautifully celebrated the deity’s many forms.

Celebrating Folk Traditions

As the evening progressed, Bhutta Khan continued to immerse the audience in the essence of Rajasthan’s folk culture. The next performance, “Ae Ri Sakhi Mangal Gao,” was a tribute to the humble Charkha, symbolizing its role in traditional Indian life. His song “Dhora Dhora Ma” offered a vivid depiction of the vast desert landscape, highlighting the beauty of the Thar Desert. The performance culminated with “Jhirmir Jhirmir,” which captured the refreshing joy of the first monsoon rains over the arid land, as if the sweet scent of the wet earth had filled the entire auditorium.

Bhutta Khan Manganiyar at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Infosys Foundation cultural outreach programme
Bhutta Khan Manganiyar at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Infosys Foundation cultural outreach programme

A Team of Talented Musicians

The mesmerizing performance was supported by a talented ensemble of musicians. Roshan Khan lent his vocals alongside Bhutta Khan, while Sawai Khan played the Dholak, Moti Khan performed on the Khartal, and Sawan Khan added rhythm with the Bhapang. Together, they created an enchanting musical experience that resonated with the audience and left a lasting impression.

The evening not only celebrated the musical heritage of Rajasthan but also reaffirmed the commitment of the Infosys Foundation Cultural Outreach Program to uplift folk artists and ensure that these valuable traditions continue to thrive in the modern world.


A Cultural Experience to Remember

The program, dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Rajasthan’s folk arts, brought together both the young and old, offering them a chance to witness the magic of traditional Rajasthani music. It was a reminder of the deep connection between music, culture, and community in the state, and the need to preserve these invaluable traditions for future generations.

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PRSI Jaipur Chapter Organizes Photo Contest Award Ceremony and Tree-Planting Campaign



LokSamvad Sansthan

PRSI Jaipur Chapter Promotes Social Values and Environmental Awareness Through Photo Contest

Jaipur, October 14: The Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), Jaipur Chapter, organized a photo contest award ceremony and tree-planting campaign under the theme “Extend a Hand, Hug, and Touch Feet” at Vedic PG College, Mansarovar. This event, aimed at raising environmental awareness and fostering social harmony, was a part of the ongoing celebrations of World Public Relations Day.

The contest, which began earlier this year, invited submissions from across India. Women and Child Development Minister, Dr. Manju Baghmar, along with Prof. Sudhi Rajeev, Vice Chancellor of Haridev Joshi University of Journalism and Mass Communication, felicitated the winners with awards and certificates.

PRSI Jaipur Chapter
PRSI Jaipur Chapter

Importance of Social and Ethical Values Highlighted by Manju Baghmar

Addressing the audience, Dr. Manju Baghmar emphasized the growing distance from ethical values in modern society. She pointed out that many people hesitate to touch the feet of their elders or extend a helping hand, even though gestures like these are vital for maintaining a sense of belonging and community. Baghmar praised PRSI Jaipur Chapter for organizing such a meaningful and timely photography competition and emphasized the need to inculcate moral values in children and society at large.

“We need to imbibe the values of India’s rich culture, which can guide us and help future generations appreciate the importance of respect and mutual support,” Baghmar added.

Social Media’s Impact on Human Connections Discussed by Prof. Sudhi Rajeev

Prof. Sudhi Rajeev shared her insights on how social media has altered human interactions. “In a world dominated by followers and virtual friends, many people find themselves lonely and disconnected in real life. Extending a hand of friendship or offering a simple hug can have a transformative impact,” Rajeev said. She also stressed the importance of respecting elders, as blessings from them contribute positively to one’s life.

She noted that events like these help shift mindsets, keeping Indian culture alive and relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Lok Samvad Sansthan
Lok Samvad Sansthan

Award-Winning Participants of the Photography Contest

The photography contest saw enthusiastic participation from across the country. The winners were as follows:

  • First Prize: Prabha Gurjar (Jaipur)
  • Second Prize: Agroneel Mandal (Santiniketan, West Bengal)
  • Third Prize: Kirti Kanwar (Haridev Joshi University of Journalism and Mass Communication)
  • Special Mention Awards: Anisha Kamboj (Banasthali Vidyapith), Satish Meena (Vedic Kanya College, Jaipur), Nakul Chinkara (Dwarka, Delhi)

In addition, certificates were presented to 40 other selected participants.

Tree-Planting Campaign in Honor of Mothers

The event also featured a tree-planting campaign titled “A Tree in the Name of Mother,” where dignitaries, including Dr. Manju Baghmar, Prof. Sudhi Rajeev, and other esteemed guests, planted saplings in the premises of Vedic PG College. This initiative served as a symbolic gesture to promote environmental preservation and honor the nurturing spirit of mothers.

The event was graced by other prominent figures, including PRSI Jaipur Chapter President Mr. Virendra Parikh, former president Mr. Kalyan Kothari, coordinator Mr. Ashish Bakshi, and Director of Vedic PG College, Ms. Medha Samvedi.

PRSI Jaipur Chapter’s innovative initiative combined environmental consciousness with the promotion of ethical and cultural values, highlighting the relevance of public relations in fostering societal goodwill and environmental responsibility.

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Ish Madhu Talwar Remembered: Seminar Highlights Media’s Role and Credibility Crisis



Ish Madhu Talwar

Media Must Uphold Its Credibility: Afridi 
Literature Award to Be Launched in Talwar’s Memory

Jaipur, October 14: A seminar on the theme “Media: From Where to Where” was organized on Sunday at Pink City Press Club, Jaipur, in memory of senior journalist and author Ish Madhu Talwar, who was also the General Secretary of the Progressive Writers’ Association, Rajasthan, on his birth anniversary.

In his keynote address, senior journalist, poet, and guest faculty at Haridev Joshi University of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tribhuvan, highlighted that journalism is a challenging and risky profession. “During the freedom movement, journalists fulfilled their responsibilities despite significant personal sacrifices. Today, journalism remains just as essential, empowering us with a sense of duty,” he said. Tribhuvan also noted that Talwar connected people through fearless and impartial journalism.

Ish Madhu Smriti Shakuntalam Award
Senior Journalist, Poet Mr. Tribhuvan

Presiding over the event, senior satirist and acting president of the Progressive Writers’ Association, Rajasthan, Farooq Afridi, expressed concern about the current state of media credibility. “The country is passing through a transitional phase, and it is crucial for the media to maintain its trustworthiness. Only a few media persons and newspapers are playing the role of a people’s ombudsman. The media needs to be more vigilant about the growing hardships of the common man,” he stated. Afridi further added that the media today faces allegations of being too aligned with power, which poses a danger to democracy. Both print and electronic media are in a concerning state, and for the media to be truly people-centric, the public must take a stand.

Farooq Afridi
Farooq Afridi

Afridi praised Ish Madhu Talwar as both a distinguished journalist and a literary figure. “Talwar’s language was rich, and he laid the foundation of the Jan Sahitya Utsav, bringing writers from India and abroad into the movement to free literature from commercialism,” he said.

Ish Madhu Smriti Shakuntalam Award announced by Premchand Gandhi and Dr Anish Talwar

Senior poet Premchand Gandhi and Talwar’s son, Dr. Anish Talwar, announced that the Bharatendu Sahitya Sansthan would be revived and a ₹21,000 Ish Madhu Smriti Shakuntalam Award will be instituted in his memory. The seminar was moderated by journalist Sunita Chaturvedi, with insights shared by Sawai Singh, journalist Roshanlal Sharma, and Rishikesh Rajoriya. A large number of journalists, writers, artists, and distinguished citizens attended the event.

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Sri Lankan Artist Chaminda Gamage’s Solo Exhibition ‘My Own Garden’ Opens at Kalaneri Art Gallery



Chaminda Gamage

Jaipur, October 9, 2024 – The contemporary art scene in Jaipur was invigorated by the opening of a solo exhibition by renowned Sri Lankan artist Chaminda Gamage at the prestigious Kalaneri Art Gallery. The exhibition, titled ‘My Own Garden’, was inaugurated by Somkant Sharma, General Secretary of the Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair, and Neetu Rajeshwar, RAS, Additional Director of Women Empowerment, along with ADM City Dinesh Jain, through the traditional lighting of the lamp.

The event was graced by some of Jaipur’s most prominent artists and art lovers, including Vidya Sagar Upadhyay, Vijay Sharma, Soumya Sharma, Har Shiv Sharma, Raj Kumar Chauhan, Mahesh Swami, Dr. Rita Pratap, Meenu Srivastava, Neelam Niazi, Neelu Kanwaria, Vinay Sharma, Sangeeta Singh, Gauri Shankar, and Salim. Additionally, notable social activists like Sudhir Mathur and Jugat Singh Sodha were also present to support the vibrant art community.

Curated by senior artist Vidya Sagar Upadhyay, the exhibition features Gamage’s thought-provoking and abstract works, primarily on paper and canvas. “Nature has always been Chaminda’s first love, and his creations reflect the essence of this relationship through his artistic vision,” said Upadhyay during the event.


“Exhibition Showcases Abstract and Thought-Provoking Works, Celebrating Nature as the Artist’s First Love”

Soumya Vijay Sharma, the gallery owner, highlighted the significance of this exhibition, noting, “This show, running from October 9 to October 13, 2024, has drawn significant attention in the art market, further elevating Chaminda Gamage’s reputation as a distinguished artist from Sri Lanka.”

The exhibition presents around 40 paintings along with 15 catalogs of paper-based works, offering art enthusiasts a deep dive into Gamage’s creative world. A highlight of the event was a live demonstration by the artist, held on October 10 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, where students had the opportunity to witness his artistic process firsthand.

The exhibition is expected to draw art lovers, critics, and collectors from across the city and beyond, eager to engage with Gamage’s abstract yet emotionally resonant artworks.


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Diljit Dosanjh Pays Tribute to Ratan Tata During Concert



man in black t-shirt and black jeans standing on stage near drum set

Introduction to the Tribute

On a memorable evening filled with music and admiration, renowned Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh took to the stage to pay tribute to the iconic industrialist Ratan Tata during a grand concert. The event, held at a prominent venue in Mumbai, drew an enthusiastic audience comprising fans, industry professionals, and admirers of both Dosanjh and Tata. The atmosphere was electric, infused with a sense of celebration and respect for a man whose contributions have left an indelible mark on India’s industrial landscape.

Diljit Dosanjh pays tribute to Ratan Tata during concert

As fans eagerly awaited the performance, the energy in the air was palpable. The concert was not merely an entertainment showcase; it was a heartfelt acknowledgment of Ratan Tata’s achievements and his profound impact on society. Dosanjh, known for his dynamic performances, was particularly excited to honor Tata, expressing his admiration for the esteemed leader’s commitment to philanthropy and his dedication to sustainable business practices. This context set the stage for an event that transcended the typical concert experience, intertwining music with a message of gratitude and inspiration.

The location of the concert added to its significance, as Mumbai is often considered the financial hub of India, representative of Tata’s vast contributions to the nation’s economy. The combination of the vibrant city, an engaged audience, and Dosanjh’s charisma resulted in an unforgettable evening that promised not only entertainment but also an opportunity to reflect upon the narrative of service and leadership embodied by Ratan Tata. This tribute serves as an encapsulation of cultural respect and recognition, bridging the realms of art and significant societal contributions.


Who is Ratan Tata?

Ratan Tata, an influential figure in Indian industry, was born on December 28, 1937, in Surat, India. He is the great-grandson of Tata Group founder Jamsetji Tata and the son of Naval H. Tata and Sooni Tata. Ratan Tata completed his education at the prestigious Harvard Business School, where he enriched his understanding of management and leadership.

He began his career with Tata Steel in 1961, progressing through various roles that provided him with comprehensive knowledge of the corporation’s operations. However, his ascent to prominence came when he was appointed as the Chairman of Tata Sons in 1990. Under his stewardship, Tata Group expanded its global footprint, notably acquiring several key international companies, including Jaguar Land Rover and Corus Steel. This globalization marked a significant transformation in the conglomerate, establishing it as a formidable player in numerous sectors, such as automotive, steel, pharmaceuticals, and information technology.

Ratan Tata’s tenure as chairman lasted until 2012, a period during which he forged a reputation for innovation and excellence. He was not only focused on economic growth but also emphasized corporate responsibility. Tata’s leadership saw the initiation of several social programs aimed at improving education, healthcare, and infrastructure in underprivileged communities across India. His philanthropic vision is embodied in the Tata Trusts, which contribute to numerous social causes, reflecting his belief in giving back to society.


Today, Ratan Tata remains an inspirational figure in both the corporate world and philanthropic circles. His dedication to progress and social welfare makes him a deserving recipient of tribute, illustrating why individuals like Diljit Dosanjh chose to honor his legacy during recent public events.

Diljit Dosanjh: The Rising Star

Diljit Dosanjh has established himself as a prominent figure in the Punjabi music and film industry over the past decade, characterized by his unique blend of folk and contemporary sounds. His career began in the early 2000s, when he released his first album, which set the groundwork for his iconic status. With a series of chart-topping albums and memorable tracks like “Do you know” and “Laembadgini,” Dosanjh has captivated audiences not only in Punjab but across India.

As a multifaceted artist, Diljit Dosanjh’s influence extends beyond music into the realm of acting. His performances in Punjabi films such as “Punjab 1984” and “Sardar Udham” have garnered critical acclaim, showcasing his versatile talent. This adaptability has played a significant role in solidifying his popularity, leading to collaborations with Bollywood legends and appearances in mainstream Indian cinema. His ability to resonate with diverse audiences has made him a household name, elevating him to a symbol of modern Punjabi culture.


The rise of Diljit Dosanjh can also be attributed to his ability to connect with fans through social media and live performances. His charismatic presence and engaging personality have further expanded his reach, enabling him to develop a devoted fanbase that spans various demographics. As the recipient of numerous awards, he has been recognized for his contributions to the industry, highlighting his status as a pioneer in the fusion of traditional and contemporary music.

Diljit Dosanjh’s broad appeal and cultural significance make him an apt artist to pay tribute to iconic figures such as Ratan Tata. His recognition of such influential leaders and their contributions to society reflects his own commitment to using his platform for meaningful expression and cultural dialogue.

Concert Highlights

The recent concert featuring Diljit Dosanjh was an unforgettable experience, brimming with excitement, energy, and memorable moments. From the moment the lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted in anticipation, the atmosphere was electric. Diljit took to the stage with his signature style, immediately captivating the audience with a blend of his popular hits and heartfelt melodies.


One of the key highlights of the evening was Diljit’s unique ability to interact with his fans. Throughout the concert, he engaged with the audience, encouraging them to sing along and dance, fostering an inclusive environment. Fans were thrilled when he took a moment to express his gratitude, acknowledging their unwavering support over the years. These interactions not only solidified the bond between the artist and his fans but also created a vibrant and lively concert atmosphere.

A particularly poignant moment came when Diljit dedicated a segment of the concert to pay tribute to Ratan Tata, a figure he greatly admires. In an emotionally charged address, he shared anecdotes about Tata’s philanthropy and vision for India. Diljit passionately articulated how Tata’s contributions have inspired him and countless others, further establishing the concert as not just an entertainment event but also a celebration of values and leadership. This tribute resonated deeply with the audience, leading to an outpouring of applause and appreciation.

Additionally, the concert featured special performances that showcased Diljit’s versatility. From upbeat dance numbers to soul-stirring ballads, he seamlessly transitioned between styles, keeping the audience enthralled. The energy in the venue peaked as he closed the evening with a powerful finale, leaving fans exhilarated and chanting for more. Overall, Diljit Dosanjh’s concert was a splendid tapestry of music, emotions, and heartfelt tributes, making it a night to remember for all in attendance.


The Tribute: A Special Moment

During a recent concert, celebrated singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh took a moment to pay homage to one of India’s most revered industrialists, Ratan Tata. Known for his immense contributions to Indian industry and his philanthropic spirit, Tata has inspired countless individuals across the globe. Diljit’s tribute not only highlighted these attributes but also encapsulated the emotional resonance that Tata’s legacy holds among the people.

As the audience gathered in anticipation, Diljit commenced his tribute with a heartfelt speech. He spoke about Tata’s visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to social causes. Drawing from Tata’s various initiatives, including healthcare, education, and rural development, Diljit emphasized the importance of corporate social responsibility and how Tata serves as a role model for upcoming generations. This poignant segment left many attendees reflecting on how they, too, could contribute to societal well-being.

Following the speech, Diljit performed a special song dedicated to Ratan Tata, infusing the performance with emotions that resonated deeply with the audience. His soulful rendition captured the essence of common values like hope, perseverance, and integrity that Tata embodies. The song, accompanied by striking visuals on a large screen, showcased key milestones from Tata’s life, further enhancing the tribute’s emotional depth.


The energy in the venue transformed as audience members expressed their admiration and affection for both Diljit’s artistry and Ratan Tata’s legacy. Many were seen wiping away tears as they internalized the values that Tata has championed throughout his life. This moment not only celebrated a leading figure in Indian society but also reiterated the significance of art in bridging generations and instilling respect for such monumental contributions to humanity.

Audience Reactions

During the recent concert where Diljit Dosanjh paid tribute to Ratan Tata, the atmosphere was electric with a palpable sense of admiration not only for the artist but also for the iconic industrialist. The audience witnessed a unique blend of music and heartfelt appreciation, which left a lasting impression on all present. Shortly after the tribute, fans began to express their thoughts and feelings, creating a vibrant dialogue around the moment.

One enthusiastic fan, Rajesh Malhotra, stated, “Diljit’s tribute to Ratan Tata brought tears to my eyes. It was a remarkable way to honor a man who has been a beacon of hope for so many. You could feel the love in the room.” This sentiment echoed throughout the concert hall, as many attendees shared their awe at the connection forged between the singer and the legendary businessman.


Notable figures in the audience also expressed their admiration. Film producer Anjali Sinha commented, “It’s not often we see celebrities take a stand and celebrate inspiring personalities like Ratan Tata. Diljit has not just entertained us but reminded us of the values Tata stands for.” Similarly, a prominent social activist, Sanjana Gupta, remarked, “This tribute is significant; it emphasizes the importance of recognizing those who have contributed positively to society. Diljit delivered this beautifully.”

The shared sentiments of gratitude and respect were palpable, solidifying the bond between the fans and their idol. As the various expressions of appreciation continued to resonate throughout the venue, it became clear that this moment was more than just entertainment; it was a collective acknowledgment of Ratan Tata’s contributions to society facilitated by Diljit Dosanjh’s passionate delivery.

Media Coverage and Public Response

The tribute paid by Diljit Dosanjh to Ratan Tata during his recent concert garnered significant attention from various media outlets. The event was not merely a musical performance; it transformed into a celebration of Tata’s contributions to Indian industry and philanthropy. News agencies and entertainment journalists covered the event extensively, highlighting Dosanjh’s heartfelt performance and his expressed admiration for Tata. Many outlets emphasized the symbolic nature of this tribute, portraying it as a unifying moment in contemporary Indian culture.


Social media platforms also became a battleground for discussions related to the event. Twitter and Instagram were flooded with reactions from fans and followers who praised Dosanjh for honoring such a revered figure in India. Posts featuring clips from the concert and quotes from both Dosanjh and Tata circulated widely, suggesting a strong connection between the audience and the tribute. Hashtags related to the concert trended, showcasing not only Dosanjh’s popularity but also reflecting the public’s appreciation for Tata, a business magnate revered for his ethical framework and humanitarian efforts.

This public response underlines the significance of cultural events in shaping collective societal values and sentiments. The convergence of arts and social responsibility, as evident through Dosanjh’s gesture, resonates deeply with various demographics, appealing to both younger and older generations. Additionally, the media’s portrayal of the tribute as a blend of entertainment and homage further elevated its cultural relevance. By intersecting the realms of music and social consciousness, Diljit Dosanjh’s tribute to Ratan Tata highlights how artistic expressions can forge lasting impressions and encourage discussions about integrity and philanthropy in modern society.

Legacy of Ratan Tata

Ratan Tata, a towering figure in Indian industry, has left an indelible mark on the socio-economic landscape of the country. As the former chairman of Tata Sons, he played a pivotal role in shaping the Tata Group into a global powerhouse, championing innovation, ethical business practices, and corporate social responsibility. Tata’s visionary leadership not only expanded the group’s portfolio but also reinforced its commitment to positively impacting society. His efforts in diversifying the business into sectors like IT, steel, and automobiles exemplify how visionary leadership can drive economic growth while adhering to fundamental values.


The legacy of Ratan Tata is particularly significant in contemporary Indian society. His emphasis on values such as integrity and compassion resonates deeply with the youth and entrepreneurs alike. This connection is evident in the way public figures, including artists like Diljit Dosanjh, express their admiration for Tata. By honoring Tata at his concert, Dosanjh helps keep the values associated with Tata’s legacy alive. Such gestures not only recognize Tata’s contributions but also inspire the next generation to uphold similar ideals when pursuing their careers and personal goals.

Furthermore, figures like Ratan Tata influence the cultural landscape by promoting social initiatives and encouraging philanthropy within the business community. His pivotal role in projects aimed at uplifting disadvantaged sections of society has cemented his status as a role model. The respect and affection that public figures like Dosanjh show towards Tata highlight the importance of leadership that transcends corporate boundaries, reinforcing the relevance of ethical principles in contemporary culture. As his legacy continues to be celebrated, it serves as a guiding light for future leaders and entrepreneurs across India, suggesting that business success should always align with social responsibility.

Conclusion: Celebrating Icons

The tribute paid by Diljit Dosanjh to Ratan Tata during his recent concert stands as a testament to the deep respect and admiration that artists hold for cultural icons. Such moments are significant as they not only spotlight the enduring legacy of individuals like Tata but also serve to inspire audiences through the powerful medium of music. By recognizing noteworthy figures within society, artists play a crucial role in bridging the gap between various realms of influence, be it business, philanthropy, or the arts.


Ratan Tata’s contributions to industry and society resonate far beyond the confines of his corporate achievements. His commitment to social causes and a vision for a better India reflect principles that many aspire to emulate. When a beloved figure like Diljit Dosanjh honors him on stage, it reverberates through the community, encouraging fans to acknowledge and appreciate the values embodied by individuals such as Tata. This act of tribute is a reminder of the power of art as a vehicle for social recognition and the promotion of integral societal figures.

Moreover, the intersection of celebrity culture with philanthropy and social awareness is a vital aspect of contemporary society. Diljit’s celebration of Ratan Tata not only elevates Tata’s contributions but also signifies an alignment of modern entertainment with meaningful narratives. It reinforces the notion that artists can influence public perception and foster a culture of appreciation for those who work tirelessly for the betterment of society.

In essence, tributes like these are vital in preserving the legacies of cultural icons and encouraging future generations to recognize and support figures who champion progress and innovation in our communities.


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Latest Movie Review

Saripodhaa Sanivaaram: A High-Octane Vigilante Drama with a Touch of Nuance




Saripodhaa Sanivaaram (transl. Is Saturday Not Enough), directed by Vivek Athreya, is a 2024 Telugu-language vigilante action thriller that promises adrenaline-fueled action while touching upon themes of anger, justice, and redemption. Starring Nani, S. J. Suryah, and Priyanka Mohan, the film is a stylish blend of mass masala entertainment and emotional depth, making it a unique entry into the vigilante genre.

Plot Overview: The story follows Surya (Nani), an insurance agent grappling with deep-rooted anger issues since childhood. Adhering to a promise made to his late mother, he only channels his fury on Saturdays. This peculiar rule leads to a complex double life as Surya becomes a Saturday vigilante, exacting justice on wrongdoers every week. His path eventually crosses with CI Daya (S. J. Suryah), a corrupt, sadistic police officer whose oppressive reign over the town of Sokulapalem sets up an explosive conflict.


Surya’s personal turmoil, especially his relationships with his estranged sister Bhadra and childhood love Kalyani (now Charulatha, played by Priyanka Mohan), weaves emotional layers into the otherwise action-heavy narrative. As Surya battles personal demons, family issues, and systemic corruption, the film balances vigilante justice with more introspective moments.

Performances: Nani shines in his role as Surya, delivering a grounded yet intense performance. His portrayal of a man torn between family obligations and his desire for justice is compelling. Nani brings out Surya’s vulnerability, making his moral struggles relatable to the audience. S. J. Suryah, as the menacing Daya, is equally impressive. His character’s sadistic nature adds tension to the film, and Suryah’s screen presence keeps the audience engaged. Priyanka Mohan, though playing a more restrained role, adds emotional weight to the story as Charulatha, Surya’s love interest and ally.

Saripodhaa Sanivaaram
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram

Direction and Writing: Vivek Athreya’s direction elevates Saripodhaa Sanivaaram from a simple action flick to a nuanced character study. His decision to explore Surya’s psyche—how he compartmentalizes his rage and violence to a single day each week—adds depth to an otherwise conventional revenge drama. However, at times, the narrative gets bogged down by its own complexities, especially in the middle act, where the film loses some of its momentum.

Athreya also deserves credit for tackling themes like anger management, familial estrangement, and the impact of systemic corruption. The screenplay cleverly balances action with moments of levity, particularly through Sankaram, Surya’s father, who becomes a key figure in the vigilante’s journey.


Action and Technical Aspects: The action sequences in Saripodhaa Sanivaaram are a highlight. Well-choreographed and intense, they fit naturally into the storyline without feeling overly exaggerated. Cinematographer Murali G.’s work enhances the gritty, urban setting, and the tight editing by Karthika Srinivas keeps the pacing brisk during the action scenes. The film’s climax, in particular, delivers a satisfying showdown that brings together the film’s various threads.

Jakes Bejoy’s music amplifies the emotional and action beats of the film. His score effectively complements the tension, though the soundtrack itself, featuring a mix of peppy and intense numbers, might not stand out as much.

What Works:

  • Nani’s performance: As Surya, Nani brings emotional gravitas to a role that could have easily been one-dimensional.
  • S. J. Suryah’s antagonist: His portrayal of Daya is chilling, adding an unpredictable edge to the film.
  • Action scenes: The violence is intense but purposeful, fitting well with the film’s vigilante theme.

What Doesn’t:

  • Pacing issues: Some segments, particularly in the middle, could have been tighter to maintain the film’s momentum.
  • Emotional depth: While the film tries to delve into Surya’s personal struggles, the emotional beats occasionally feel underdeveloped in comparison to the action.

Final Verdict: Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is a gripping vigilante drama that rides high on Nani and S. J. Suryah’s stellar performances. Although it has pacing issues and some emotional gaps, the film’s intense action and unique premise make it a worthwhile watch for fans of action-thrillers. Vivek Athreya’s smart writing and direction offer a fresh take on vigilante justice, balancing brutality with introspection. Overall, it’s an engaging, well-executed thriller with enough mass appeal to satisfy a wide audience.

Rating: 3.5/5

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