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Sister Ramona, Principal,St. Angela Sophia Sr. Sec. School

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Dear Readers,

For God has poured out his love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit who is God’s gift to us.( Rom 5:5)

I believe we’re all on this planet for a purpose. We are here not just to survive but to thrive, to live a worthy and meaningful life. To do this, each one of us needs to see a vision, persevere to attain it and dedicate our life to maintain it.

Our founders, Rt. Rev. Henri Caumont and Mother Mary Matilda saw a vision to empower the women of Rajputana. Their motivation and encouragement helped the Mission Sisters of Ajmer to strive hard and bring a bright and glorious dawn in the life of the girls. It is indeed a matter of happiness and contentment that Sophia has more than 42 branches across the subcontinent of India.


Sophia is a family and each and every member of our family lives her vision of life in the context of love and joy by providing quality services to our students. We take care of their academic excellence and emotional and spiritual quotient through prayer service, seminars, counselling sessions, speeches, outreach programmes, training, coaching, guiding and so on. These activities are conducted with love, joy, integrity and excellence. We focus on overall awareness; we endeavour to increase love and reduce hatred and intolerance; we motivate the students to build self esteem and self confidence. Value based education and peak performance are our main objectives.

Sophia means wisdom.Wisdom is more valuable than jewels. Lord created the earth by His wisdom; His wisdom caused the rivers to flow and clouds to give rain to the earth. I wish you all showers of blessings, contentment, joy and success in all walks of life.

God bless you.

-Sister Ramona



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