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Celebrating the “Veer Gatha Project” as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav launched by the Government of India, DAV Centenary Public School, Jaipur has been conducting various activities as proposed by CBSE.

In continuation with the project an interactive session was conducted on 5th of November 2022. The guest of honour was Shaurya Chakra awardee Col. Jitendra Kumar, Director NCC.

As soon as the guest arrived the session began with Gayatri Mantra followed by an introduction of the guest. The ‘Veer’ guest was duly honoured with a Patka and sapling by Mr A. K. Sharma, Principal of the host school.

 Addressing the anxious children shared his journey from school to joining NDA, he enlightened the students with his experiences. He also shared with them how dignified it feels to be an army officer and being able to serve the motherland.Inspiring the students to pursue armed forces as their career, the distinguished guest emphasized upon the role of parents and teachers in the lives of students. He said only these two people are selfless and never compete with their children and are best sought for advice.


After the guest’s address there was an open house session. The inquisitive children put forward many queries which were duly satiated by the dignitary. The hearts of the children swelled with patriotism and pride for the nation. They were inspired to join the service for the country.

The programme concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by the visionary principal of the school. Mr. A K Sharma assured that the school will conduct such more sessions and activities in future as well. According to DAV tradition, Shanti Mantra was chanted at the end.

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