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Professors at Delhi University will receive a five-year extension after they retire

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Professors Delhi University Teachers were not granted an extension to the faculty’s current 65-year retirement age

New Delhi: A senior varsity official said on Tuesday that the University of Delhi is laying the groundwork to grant professors and senior professors an extension of five years following retirement to promote research culture and re-employ research-oriented academicians.

Teachers were not granted an extension to the faculty’s current 65-year retirement age.

For the re-employment of “research-oriented academicians,” the university has prepared a set of guidelines. The official clarified that the guidelines do not apply to the university’s colleges, only to professors who teach in its departments, centers, schools, and institutions.

The professors who were rehired will fill the positions on a temporary basis, he said. The Executive Council, the university’s highest decision-making body, will receive the committee’s 14-point guidelines for approval at its upcoming meeting on April 10. “At the university, academicians must retire by age 65. However, the university wants to introduce provisions that would grant professors a five-year extension. We are optimistic that the rules will be accepted at the following meeting. This action will assist in fostering a research culture and in re-engaging academicians who are focused on conducting research, the official said.


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The application for the same must be submitted before the teacher’s scheduled retirement date, per the rules. The screening committee will then review the application before moving on to the next step.

The vice chancellor will propose a chairperson for the screening committee. The panel will also include the chairperson of the research council, the dean of research, the dean of the relevant faculty, the dean of academic affairs, the head of the relevant department, and the joint registrar.

The rules stipulated that the professor who was rehired would not have any administrative responsibilities and would only have personal financial authority.The guidelines stated that a professor’s or senior professor’s return to employment “shall be subject to the University’s clearance with respect to her/his conduct as a teacher, her/his disciplinary record, as well as financial prudence.”

“No teacher shall continue to hold a position of reemployment in that capacity after turning 70 years old. The rehired professor or senior professor will be provided with an office in the department and, if necessary, will share a lab with another faculty member, they continued.According to the rules, the re-employment will also depend on the university’s approval regarding his conduct as a teacher, his disciplinary history, and his financial responsibility.


However, some teachers disagree with these rules, claiming they would encourage a culture of favouritism.

Rajesh Jha, a former member of the Delhi University Executive Council, added: “Moreover, they (the university) are trying to build a hierarchy system within the university guidelines that would not be applicable for college teachers.”