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S Jaishankar touches down in Guyana for a three-day trip

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Hugh Todd, Guyana’s Foreign Minister, met the EAM upon his arrival in the Guyanese capital of Georgetown. S Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister of Guyana, arrived in the country on Friday for a three-day visit.

Hugh Todd, Guyana’s Foreign Minister, met the EAM upon his arrival in the Guyanese capital of Georgetown.Mr Jaishankar wrote on Twitter, “Arrived in Georgetown, Guyana to a warm reception from FM Hugh Todd.” “I look forward to a fruitful visit.”

Apart from calling on the leadership and meeting with several Ministers in Guyana, Mr Jaishankar will co-chair the Joint Commission Meeting with his counterpart, Hugh Hilton Todd, which will include discussions on a wide range of bilateral issues.

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According to the Ministry of External Affairs, the EAM’s visit to Guyana will also provide an opportunity for Foreign Ministers to meet in the India-COFCOR (Council on Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR); a group of 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) format and hold bilateral meetings with participating Ministers.


Notably, the External Affairs Minister (EAM) S. Jaishankar is starting today a four-nation tour of Central and Latin America.

Mr. Jaishankar will travel to Panama from April 24 to 25 after his visit to Guyana. Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney Mencomo will serve as his host while he addresses the highest levels of government. He will meet with representatives of the eight-nation Central American Integration System (SICA) during the India-SICA Foreign Ministerial Meeting, which will also be held during this visit.

The EAM will travel to Colombia from April 25 to April 27. While there, he will meet with numerous high-ranking officials from the government, business, and civil society. According to a statement from the External Affairs Ministry, his trip to Colombia would mark the first visit by a foreign minister to the nation.

Additionally, Mr. Jaishankar will be in the nation from April 27 to 29.

The EAM’s trip occurs after India’s permanent embassy is established in Santo Domingo in 2022. EAM will speak with Foreign Minister Roberto Alvarez in addition to calling on the nation’s political leadership, according to a press release.


The Indian resident mission would also be formally inaugurated by the two leaders. Additionally, EAM is scheduled to give a speech at the Dominican Republic Foreign Ministry.