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Microsoft and Teleperformance Agree to a $185 Million Deal for the Launch of a Generative AI Tool

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Microsoft ,Teleperformance

Teleperformance manages pay and salary accounts, hosts conference calls, and offers clients automated translations.

Prior to its artificial intelligence investor day on Tuesday, the outsourcing company Teleperformance of France announced that it had reached a deal with Microsoft for the launch of its proprietary TP GenAI worth approximately $185 million (roughly Rs. 697 crore).

To give investors a behind-the-scenes look at Teleperformance’s efforts in the AI race, the company will host a virtual meeting with its AI experts on Wednesday.

The company asserts that generative AI, which uses algorithms like ChatGPT to generate original audio, text, and simulations, will improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer experience.

Conference calls are hosted by Teleperformance, a company with 410,000 employees across 170 nations, which also manages pay and salary accounts and offers clients automated translations.


According to the company, some of its current AI-powered tools are already based on Azure technology. TP GenAI will use Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI to “help automate simple, low-value tasks and enable our staff to focus on what matters most,” the firm said in a statement.

According to the report, a TP GenAI pilot saw up to a 25% decrease in call handling time, a 20% decrease in email response times, a 90% improvement in accurately identifying customers’ needs, a 35% increase in sales conversions, and near real-time insights on customer interactions.

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Teleperformance appointed Bhupender Singh as deputy chief executive on Monday in response to the call centre industry’s rapid transformation brought on by digital developments.

With an annual revenue of EUR 12 billion (roughly Rs 1,07,514 crore), it will become the leading actor in the sector following the agreement to purchase rival Majorel for EUR 3 billion (roughly Rs 26 crore) in April.

At the time, Teleperformance stated that it expected between 20 and 30 percent of its processes to be automated within the following three years.
