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A Man reach should exceed his grasp

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 Achieve anything worthwhile, a person should attempt even those things that may turn out to be impossible.

It is wistful poem written by Robert Browning about an old man who is knowing but still hoping against hope. Great tasks can bring out the best in you.

I believe that if you merely strive for what you need to survive, then your basic needs will be met.

But, what if you strive for what is beyond? What if you shoot for the stars? I don’t think we as a people would have achieved the accomplishments we’ve achieved without looking beyond what is immediately graspable. I doubt the great inventors, artist, musicians, political leaders, etc. of the world felt as though “surviving” was enough.


“I was always been told that I could be anything I wanted to be”.“I was encouraged to pursue my dreams”.“I was taught, that if you want something – to go for it”.So, I believe in Thriving. I believe in teaching and encouraging the young to pursue their dreams and goals.

But if there is something or some worthwhile goal you wish to start changing, setting yourself to do the best you can do is the place you need to start from. At least make a commitment to yourself, you’ll hopefully inspire and improve the experience of others as well

Try and focus on the end feeling, the experience of satisfaction and joy that accomplishing – or at least trying to do your best. So, with whatever situation you might want to change in life, ask yourself if you’re really doing the best you can, and throw your lot in with challenge, with effort, with opportunity and take a chance.

Let your path open up, and take you to places and experiences you’ll only begin to glimpse, when you exceed your grasp.

I believe that Man’s reach should exceed his grasp.


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