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Buffett turned 93 today. At age 11, he purchased his first share. His current net worth is $9.89 trillion

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Warren Buffett, the most successful investor in history, turns 93 today. He was born in Nebraska, USA, on August 30, 1930. At the age of 11, he made his first stock purchase, and at the age of 13, he made his first tax filing

With a net worth of $119.7 billion (9.89 lakh crore), he is now the fifth richest person in the world, according to Forbes Real Time Billionaire. He is the owner of Berkshire Hathaway, which in the second quarter of the fiscal year 2023–2024 registered a record operating profit of $ 10.4 billion.

Warren Buffet resides in a home that is over 65 years old.

Warren Buffett, who is currently the fifth-richest person in the world, resides in a 65-year-old Omaha home that he paid $31,500 for. The house was purchased for Rs 26 lakh as of right now. It ranks among his best investments in his opinion. The price of Warren Buffett’s home has climbed 44 times, reaching $ 14,39,000 (11.9 crores), according to Yahoo Finance.

Buffett acknowledges that living at home makes him happy, but renting a home might be a wiser financial decision. I can’t think of a better house than this, he had claimed in a BBC interview from 2009. It is the lone piece of real estate in Buffett’s holdings.

Warren Buffet’s life was altered by one rejection.

Summer was in full swing. Warren Buffet submitted an application for admission to Harvard Business School after receiving his degree from the University of Nebraska. The interview would take place at a site closer to Chicago, he was informed. He proceeded to the interview, which was scheduled to run for around 10 minutes. “Forget it… you can’t go to Harvard,” was the advice given to him. He became very upset and considered his response to his father.


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But this rejection led to a transformation in his life. Following the denial, he began considering admission to a different university. Then, while perusing the Columbia Business School catalogue, he came across the names of two professors: David Dodd and Benjamin Graham. Then he studied the book “Security Analysis” that these professors had written. So Buffett sent a letter to those professors in the middle of August.

“Hello, Professor Dodd. I had no idea you people were still living and teaching in Colombia when I had assumed you were all gone. Along with you, I want to travel to Colombia to study. Warren Buffet was invited to Colombia as a result of this letter. He is currently the biggest investor in the world. Buffett learned two investing principles from Professor Graham, which he always abides by.

AI and Atomic Bomb Comparison

Warren Buffet recently expressed alarm by equating artificial intelligence to the atomic bomb. He asserted that everything in the world could be changed by AI, with the exception of how mankind think and act. Buffett has emphasised the necessity to consider AI’s long-term effects rather than its immediate advantages.
