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Donald Trump Testifies Against Writer Who Accused Him Of Rape

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Former US President Donald Trump has testified against author E. Jean Carroll, rejecting allegations of sexual abuse made by him. Carroll alleges that Trump sexually assaulted her in early 1996. E. Jean Carroll, 78, alleged that Trump raped her in a New York department store. Not only this, Carroll also filed a defamation suit against Trump in 2019. The New York law firm representing Il Beach Carroll said in a statement that we are pleased to be able to obtain a statement from Donald Trump today. We hope that we will get justice in this matter soon. However, what Trump said during the testimony has not come to the fore.

What was the allegation of the victim Carol?
In a New York magazine article, Carroll said that she met Trump in late 1995 and early 1996. This meeting took place in Berjdorf Goodman (Department Store Company). Carroll says she recognized Trump as a real estate tycoon and that Trump told her he had come to buy a gift for a girl. During this, Trump raped her. According to the information, at that time the age of Trump and Carol was around 50 years. And Trump’s wife was Marla Maples. Carroll says that he told two of his friends about the incident, one of whom told him to go to the police station. But another friend said on the contrary that forget it! He (Trump) has 200 lawyers. He will bury you.

Trump refuses to recognize the woman
Trump said that he had never met this woman named E. Jean Carroll. Trump has accused the woman of accusing him of selling a new book. She has called these allegations “completely false”, saying that “she is not my type. I will say with great respect that number one, she is not my type,” Trump said in an interview to a US newspaper .

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