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Dr. A. K. Pandey, Principal Gyan Vihar School

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There is no destiny….Only hard work

“The heights great man reached , were not attained by sudden flight, but they were toiling upwards  in the night ,while their companions slept “The price of success is hard work and dedication to the job that whether we win or lose,we have applied the best of ourselves.We need the strength of mind and body to struggle and hard work to reach our fullest potential.

We live in an immediate gratification kind of society. People believe that the majority of people became successful overnight ,but the truth is, many work harder than the average persons can ever imagine.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.Champions  are often said to be blessed with talent or even just lucky .But ,even if there is  lack of talent, it can be compensated by hard work .When you begin to work towards achieving success, make sure to work smartly too. An intelligent effort will go a long way in helping you achieve, that you have always desired.


Dreams are the seeds of greatest achievements. Once you have dreamt, make sure to work as hard as possible.It never go waste, but pays off at the end. Time management is very important. Priority management is the answer to maximize the time we have. No one has a magical ability to make time, but if our lives have directions, we can make the most of the moments we have. Persue your goals that bring intrinsic satisfaction regardless of its outcomes

Once you are determined ,you’ll find yourself bouncing out of the bed in the morning, eager to get started on your list for the day. You’ll have a burning desire to contribute to the world, to uplift everyone on the planet through what you do.

The past cannot be erased and it doesn’t come back to haunt us. We need to learn how to cope with it and never allow it to interfere with our future. Give up the things that distract you from your goals.The good new days are today and better days are coming tomorrow.Our greatest songs are still unsung.

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