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Dr. Shilpi Singh Shekhawat, Lawrence and Mayo Public School, Makarwali Road, Ajmer

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[dropcaps]E[/dropcaps]ducation is the wise, hopeful and respectful cultivation of learning undertaken in the belief that all should have the chance to share in life.

Education, as we understand it here, is a process of inviting truth and possibility, of encouraging and giving time to discovery. In this view, we as educators look to act with people rather on them. Our task is to educe & to bring out or develop potential. Such education is: Deliberate and hopeful. We set out to make happen in the belief that a Student can ‘be more’.

Grounded in a desire, that all may flourish and share in life –education is a continuous and cooperative process that looks to help pupils to live their lives as they plan to.

It is often said that we are learning all the time and that we may not be conscious of it happening. Learning is both a process and an outcome. As a process it is part of living in the world, part of the way our bodies work. As an outcome it is a new understanding or appreciation of something.


To get the most out of a good education, children need to go to school every day. School attendance has a major influence on educational outcomes. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to achieve better results at school. John Dewey(1916)  has rightly remarked, “All educations proceeds by participation of the individual in the social consciousness of the race.” In this way the process of education consists of 3 poles – the teacher, the child and the society.

Teachers are losing the education war because our adolescents are distracted by the social world. Naturally, the students don’t see it that way. It wasn’t their choice to get endless instruction on topics that don’t seem relevant to them. They desperately want to learn, but what they want to learn about is their social world—how it works and how they can secure a place in it that will maximize their social rewards and minimize the social pain they feel. Their brains are built to feel these strong social motivations and to use the metalizing system to help them along.

Individual aims and social aims are the most important aims of education. They are opposed to each other; individual aims gives importance for the development of the individuality. Social aim gives importance to the development of society through individual not fulfilling his desire. But it will be seen that development of individuality assumes its meaning only in a social environment.

Best wishes to all involved in education…………….

Dr. Shilpi Singh Shekhawat


Lawrence and Mayo Public School,
Makarwali Road, Ajmer

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