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A.K. Sharma the principle of dav international school jaipur

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Dear Students,

At the outset, I would like quote Swami Vivekananda who said, “Good education aims at the development of balanced personalities who are culturally refined, emotionally stable, ethically sound, intellectually alert, socially efficient, spiritually upright and physically strong. Good education also aims at developing men who can play as well as work men who can consume as well as create.”

Education is a dynamic process, for it entails progress-not only scientific, technological and economic but mental, physical and spiritual as well, developing the power of understanding and analyzing. We are well aware that actions performed in the fullness of joy in the temples of learning, revealing the treasures of infinite depth of wisdom, illuminating the path and leading all those around at the threshold of their minds: lay the broader and truer foundation of Education. Thus, in a true sense, education not only prepares for life but is life per se.

The present scenario calls for re-analyzing the system of education, which incidentally has become limited to success in the competitive exams, achieving high profile jobs and leading a comfortable life. Thus, the children are just concentrating on becoming literate sans the power of discrimination between right and wrong. The children of today are confused, stressed and are not able to develop their aesthetics as they are over obsessed with quick success. Their disproportionately swollen and unrealistic ambitions, thanks to their over-expecting parents, have left no time and space for children to enjoy their childhood. The role of parents is of utmost importance here as they need to understand the interest of their children instead of forcing their unfulfilled ambitions on them. The parents ought to help their children to identify their priorities instead of wanting them to run before they learn to walk properly


Thus, it brings a great responsibility upon the schools to create a conducive environment which is healthy and stress-free and ultimately can instill in the children those traits which make them emotionally and mentally strong individuals capable of taking on all challenges in their lives. The teachers need to be patient and persevere to facilitate a holistic development of children. The parents and the teachers need to work hand in hand and the individuality of the child should be accepted and respected.

We as educators have a great responsibility towards our nation and the world at large as we need to produce good and productive world citizens. Change is the only permanent thing. Thus, we need to change as adults, teachers and parents. We also need to understand the changes in the mindset of the young generation which calls for a transformation in our thinking, which incidentally is possible only if we do not stagnate with our methods and open ourselves for acceptance to the innovations on a regular basis.

To enable well-rounded development of a child’s personality and competencies, the basic approach of education ought to be child-centered is sync with their individual needs and requirements. In order to achieve this, learning methods need to be modified accordingly in accordance with children’s individual learning requirements. This necessitates a learning environment with a didactic structure, one characterized by mutual trust and capable of enabling independent as well as cooperative learning.

Children need to be instructed and encouraged to actively search for knowledge, to carry out complex learning activities, to reflect on their personal learning, to plan learning responsibly and to be accountable for it, for example by autonomously researching and working through scholastic topics and learning material independently working through texts presenting their results cooperating and discussing scholastic topics with others and reflecting on their own work. In a well designed learning environment children can work towards developing their scholastic and co-scholastic competencies in an autonomous and self-directed manner, and in accordance with their own needs.

School administrators, teachers, pupils and parents all must work together in a respectful, professional and committed way and form a conducive school community. Above and beyond appropriate pupil training, the teachers ought to include the parents in school activities and make every endeavour to let the parent genuinely feel that the family and the school together can work wonders to ensure the desired well-rounded development of children.


Certainly, the well-groomed children will secure the future of our country. Our well-rounded education of our beloved children will shape the desired society and ultimately a nation of our dreams. Let me conclude with the most inspiring lines from a beautiful poem by  R.W Emerson:

Mr.  A. K. Sharma


dav international school

Jaipur, Raj. INDIA
