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My Journey of Empowering People-Rattan Deep Singh

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An Interview of World Humanity and Peace Award Winner Rattan Deep Singh

Q: Tell us about your background

I served in the Indian Army for 40 years, even during my service I was always searching for the purpose of our lives. I read a number of books followed various spiritual and healing processes.
After retirement in 2005, I followed various modalities like REIKI where I was a grand master, EFT, Past Life Rebirthing, Pranic Healing amongst others. In 2011 we got introduced to Access Consciousness while in Australia, my wife Kiran and I became facilitators and introduced Access Consciousness to India.
Since then we both have been actively involved in facilitating people and empowering them to change their lives.

Rattan Deep Singh
Rattan Deep Singh

Q: Tell us about your contribution to the society

We both are facilitators in Access Consciousness with me also being a Body Class Facilitator. We have been conducting workshops not only in India but all over the world

Q: How did you plan to be a Mental Health Expert/Healer/Counsellor, what was the key challenge?

There were no specific plans, just followed the flow and found that we were actually helping people to be at ease being themselves and creating a life that they desired for themselves

Q: explain about your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.

The major challenge faced was to get people to see that they actually are the centre of the creation of their lives and that they have magical powers, something people are not told by this world.

Q: What are your future plans and projects?

My plan is to continue with Access Consciousness and increase my specialisation to business planning, getting people who have been Abused to live a normal life, relationships and Miracle creation.

Rattan Deep Singh
Rattan Deep Singh

Q: Tell us about your organisation

Access Consciousness is a organisation that offers people various tools to change their lives and empower them. It is now prevalent in around 178 countries helping people live a productive life.

Q: Tell us one thing which you feel that sets you/your organisation apart from other

The most significant difference we have from all other organisations is that we always honour people’s choice and honour their choice to choose what works for them. There is total freedom in doing what people choose to do.

Q: how was your experience with Credent TV
It was a nurturing experience

Q: : Your full name
Rattan Deep Singh

Q: message for readers
Happiness is Just a Choice!
