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On an IndiGo flight from Guwahati to Delhi, a drunk passenger defecates and vomits in the aisle.

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IndiGo flight

The incident, which brought back memories of the Air India pee-gate that sparked nationwide outrage, was shared on Twitter by an advocate who was on the IndiGo flight .

New Delhi: On a March 26 IndiGo flight from Guwahati to Delhi, a drunk passenger is said to have vomited in the aisle and defecated close to the restroom. An advocate who was travelling on the flight tweeted about the incident, which brought to mind the Air India pee-gate that sparked widespread outrage.

Sharing pictures of the incident, attorney Bhaskar Dev Konwar praised the IndiGo staff for their handling of it.

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“Passenger who was intoxicated passed out all around the bathroom and vomited on the aisle. All the mess was cleaned up by the leading lady Shewta, and the girls handled the situation superbly. Salute to girl power,” wrote Mr. Konwar.


He posted a picture of a crew member cleaning up a passenger’s vomit stain with spray and tissues while donning gloves and a mask.

Mr. Kanwar noted that crew members had to crawl on the aisle to clean it up, and out of respect for them, he purposefully took no additional photos.

Another traveller lamented that some people can’t handle alcohol while sharing the incident on Twitter.

Some people really struggle with alcohol. On an IndiGo flight, a drunk passenger made the decision to ruin himself and the aircraft. Vaibhav Bansal praised the crew for cleaning up his vomit and faeces in a tweet. 

A number of Twitter users expressed outrage over the incident and called for the accused to face harsh punishment.


A drunk passenger peed on an elderly woman on an Air India flight from New York to Delhi last year. The airlines came under fire for their slow response to the passenger’s complaints. Six weeks after his heinous act, he was taken into custody.

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