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Russian Military Mined The Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant Blast May Cause Flood Kherason

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The war between Russia and Ukraine has reached a dangerous point. Putin’s army is getting aggressive day by day and is selectively wreaking havoc in the Ukrainian city. Now the whole world has been stunned to know what the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has revealed. Zelensky has alleged that Russian troops have fitted bombs and ammunition from all sides in a dam in the Kherasan region of southern Ukraine. If this dam blows, there will be a flood in Khairasan. Thousands of people will be killed.

Zelensky urges the EU to save
President Zelensky has urged the European Union to save it from this catastrophe. Zelensky has called for sending an international observer to take stock of the situation. Zelensky said Russia’s leadership has signaled Ukraine’s energy system to turn it into a battlefield. Zelensky said that if Russian forces manage to destroy the dam, the North Crimean Canal will be completely destroyed, as all the water in the dam will be washed away after the blast. The devastation caused by this will also be massive.

Two major challenges will emerge
Please tell that this dam supplies water to residential areas of southern Ukraine. If there is a blast in the dam, then the entire water will flow away and people will have to face water crisis. On the other hand, the second challenge is that if the dam is blasted, then the cooling of the nuclear power plant will not be possible, due to which there will be a power crisis.

Power crisis in the capital Kyiv and surrounding areas
Ukrainian energy company DTEK said in a recent Facebook post that people in the capital Kyiv and surrounding areas are facing prolonged power and water supply cuts. The company said – critical infrastructure in Desnyansky District has been destroyed by Russian shelling. Due to this there has been an interruption in the power supply. According to local officials, the situation is similar in many other areas as well.


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