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Sr. Ramona, Principal, St. Angela Sophia Sr. Sec School, Jaipur

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Dear Readers,

“Christmas means giving. The Father gave His Son, and the son gave His life. Without giving, there is no true Christmas, and without sacrifice there is no true worship.” B.Hinckley.

Giving is at the core of our lives. From the very beginning, our parents gave us life. Giving birth is one of the gifts we all can truly appreciate. And we know that our mothers had to risk their own lives. This is the highest form of giving because it contains the highest amount of risk for the giver. That is why we always celebrate births and we keep celebrating birthdays.

For Christians especially the significance of such reflection, points to the message of the Christ’s birth to present time in which we live. In the disclosure of  His earthly and divine mission Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). God has blessed us in abundance. Our life is filled with plenty. It means our heart is full of love, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness and gentleness.” Every day we receive the grace of God abundantly which flow with generosity. But often we find ourselves creating artificial scarcity of these freely bestowed gifts as in the market strategy. Christmas challenges us to determine how we are fairing as a people against the invitation to that abundant life. Can we therefore as individuals, community and nation reflect together on this abundant life and focus on what we have rather than what we lack? Only then the Christmas becomes life giving Christmas to us.


Yes, a life- giving Christmas is to widen lens, focus on the real …….the authentic……. the things that really matters and the true gift of the season-life.  And not just as life, rich meaningful life, from a very part of God- God’s own Son. Hope, peace, joy and love are not just candle to be lit around an advent wreath- they are facets of a living Christ to be ignited in our lives, communities and nation. Reflection of Christmas themes can refuel us for the New Year if we carefully invest ourselves and engage life- giving principles.

As we seek to make our Christmas celebration more authentic, let us set ourselves to grow in the awareness of abundance, tolerance, patience, respect, mutual concern and trust towards each other. I pray that this cherished season WILL BE different in wonderful ways for YOU this year. Let this Christmas not just be a celebration but help us to put into practice the goodness & love of Xmas. May you have Grace filled Christmas and New Year 2018.

Sr. Ramona, Principal

St. Angela Sophia Sr. Sec School

Ghat Gate, Jaipur.


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