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The Nagar Nigam of Greater Jaipur is organising a major festival called the Yoga Mahotsav in 2024

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Yoga Mahotsav in 2024

The participation of Mrs. Bhawna Chaudhary with her Yog Guru Mrs. Jyotishna and Mr. Phabhakar , the principal of Sine International School, in the Yoga Mahotsav 2024 is a testament to the school’s commitment to holistic education and well-being.

a significant event organized by the Nagar Nigam of Greater Jaipur. This event, which took place on the 16th and 17th of June, was a celebration of yoga and its benefits for a healthy body, mind, and soul. It aimed to create awareness among the citizens of Jaipur and included activities like setting a world record for 1500 minutes of continuous yoga.

Such events, supported by the local government and attended by dignitaries like the Mayor of Jaipur Dr. Somya Gujar, highlight the importance of yoga in fostering community spirit and promoting healthful living. It’s inspiring to see educators leading by example, encouraging students and the community alike to embrace the practice of yoga for mental, physical, and spiritual harmony.


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