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The Qatar Ministerial Meeting On South Cooperation

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During LDC5, a Ministerial Meeting on South-South Cooperation was held with the goal of exploring concrete, innovative, and actionable solutions.

During LDC5, a Ministerial Meeting on South-South Cooperation was held with the goal of examining practical, cutting-edge, and implementable solutions in support of the DPoA deliverables through multi-stakeholder participation of the global South and traditional development partners.

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More Information Regarding The Ministerial Conference On South-South CooperationThe United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, the State of Qatar (the meeting’s host nation), Malawi (the chair of LDCs), and OHRLLS are working together to organise the meeting.

The South-South Cooperation’s goals are


The South-South cooperation track aims to give people a place to build large partnerships in support of the DPoA’s deliverables.An extensive analysis of the function of South-South cooperation and best practises for leveraging it as a key tool for implementing the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) has been carried out during the preparatory process.

Significance of this Cooperation

LDC5 is a significant chance for LDCs to enlist international assistance, including from partners in the South. South-South cooperation can play a catalytic role in LDC efforts to mobilise financial and technical resources and creative solutions for the timely implementation of the Doha Programme of Action because it is rooted in the spirit of solidarity and empowered by its capacity to leverage expertise and resources (DPoA).

The DPoA stands for a new generation of international alliances that are based on the LDCs and their development partners’ reaffirmed and strengthened commitments to recover from the pandemic, increase resilience, and hasten the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

South-South Collaboration


Technical cooperation between developing nations in the Global South is referred to as South-South cooperation.

It is a tool used by governments, international organisations, academics, members of civil society, and businesses to work together and share expertise and successful initiatives in particular fields like agricultural development, human rights, urbanisation, health, and climate change, among others.

The Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (BAPA), adopted by 138 UN Member States in Argentina on September 18, 1978, is the origin of what is now known as South-South cooperation.The plan established a framework for cooperation among the world’s least developed nations, the majority of which are found in the planet’s south.

It also established a framework for this type of cooperation for the first time, and incorporated into its practise the fundamental principles of relations between sovereign States, such as respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, and equality of rights, among others.

