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boxer Sweety Boora

World Boxing Champion Politics: Sweety Boora said – this time, Hooda government

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Sweety Boora

A ceremony in Hisar was held to celebrate international boxer Sweety Boora of Haryana after she won the world title. Bhupendra Hooda, a former governor, also made it. Deepak Hooda, the Kabaddi team captain, and Sweety Boora read odes in praise of the former CM in the meantime.

According to Sweety Boora, Haryana’s game is in trouble. Only when Sir is appointed Chief Minister will it increase. I would ask you to please pray that a change has been made because every man is upset about it. It’s been ten years now. You must have noticed the outcome. Vote now with caution and consideration. Don’t vote improperly. voting correctly this time, and Hooda government.

On the other hand, according to former CM Hooda, our daughter Sweety Bura would have arrived at the house wearing the DSP ribbon if there was a sports policy and government in place today. Such a chance will also present itself if God so chooses.

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influenced by the rumours that players could become DSP-Inspector


CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda, who was seated on the dais, was present when Sweety Bura said, “When we were young, we used to hear that today a particular player has become an Inspector or DSP.” He made a sizable donation. They inspired us to do better. The world champion that is in front of you today is a result of his policies. When Hooda served as the CM, he implemented wise policies. In the modern world, everything is visible to everyone.

I received the Arjuna Award.

Deepak Hooda, the captain of the Indian Kabaddi team, claimed that they are to thank for Haryana’s current prosperity. The entire state of Haryana has hope in Bhupinder Singh Hooda. Even now, nothing can happen to Haryana if we remain blind. When we first started the game, we assumed Inspector and DSP would be interacting. Three DSPs are still present on the stage today; the Hooda administration installed all three.

Deepak Hooda claimed that Hooda Sahib also helped secure the Arjuna Award for me. He also gave Manjeet Chhillar, who was seated behind him, the Arjuna Award. On 19 players at once, he had installed DSP. Additionally, he had appointed Haryana’s minister of sports. The 42 to 43 inspectors, as well as Yogeshwar Dutt, were all chosen by him.

Deepak Hooda cited an old Kabaddi game as an example. Haryana and Punjab once played each other in a friendly match. There were significant participants who were older. He had also been employed by Hooda Saheb. Additionally, the competition was unofficial.


In Haryana, Congress is the Hooda.

According to Deepak, I have never participated in politics. One and only Bhupendra Singh Hooda values the athletes. In our Haryana, Hooda Saheb is the only representative of the Congress. This is beyond question. I’m not involved in politics.

Stadium is not kept up with

According to Bhupendra Singh Hooda, our daughter has given the world a gold medal. The entire nation is happy. I recall how it was honoured when Sweety Boora brought the medal in 2012. Then I realised that this daughter will succeed greatly. A sports policy had been created by our government. I discovered that the youth in the neighbouring state of Punjab were drug addicts when I became the chief minister. For the athletes, we constructed sizeable stadiums. But regrettably, those stadiums are not being maintained any longer. There are no longer as many coaches as were hired.

A change to the Bhiwani Sai Center


According to Hooda, Bhiwani’s Sai Center is being relocated. Bhiwani, according to the former CM, is the Cuba of India. Boxers were born in Bhiwani, India, just as they were in Cuba. Only class III and D players are being recruited today.

Restore our former era, and Haryana will be content

I don’t want to talk about politics, but I have a headache, Hooda claimed. The state that ranked first in the nation for per capita income and employment in 2014 now tops the list for unemployment. Following the sale of their land, children are moving abroad. Today, Haryana ranks second in terms of crime. Today, I advise them to reinstate our previous practises and apply our previous laws
