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The Butterfly Tycoon – Transformation of a bright eyed girl to Top 100 international iconic women.-Biji Tushar

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Biji Tushar

World Humanity and Peace Award Winner -2023 Biji Tushar

Q:  Tell us about your background

I am a Leadership Development Catalyst who is aspiring to be a philanthropist.

My earliest memory of myself dates back to when I was 2year old when I first landed in Mumbai, Vasai. I was in awe of the nature’s beauty and what life has in store for   me. This is still the state I am in even today. I’m the 4th in the family of 4sisters and 1brother. My parents were from humble backgrounds and have educated us with great effort and resilience. My parents both were very resilient and struggled a lot to help us five get educated and married. I was amongst the top 5 students in my studies in school but was never very academically inclined. However, the love for language made me start writing poems at a very young age of 12 yrs.

It began as a release of my feelings but now it helps me in teaching students to write excellent speeches. I was a bright-girl, interested in co-curricular activities and the pet of my teachers. I was always looked upon as a leader by my teachers as well as my fellow students. Thus began my journey of being a leader whether it was being the General Secretary of Khapila Khandvala College of education or the vice principal of Vivek Vidyalaya.

Read Also:- The journey from transition to transformation-Sajid Ahamed


I came across as a dependable and trustworthy person who would give the best results for the team. I don’t know if I am a born leader or leadership came easy to me as I loved challenges and always took up responsibilities. That’s the reason after a stint at counselling and training for 15yrs and 30 yrs of experience in education field that now I am into corporate leadership coaching.

Q:  Tell us about your contribution to the society.

Till date I have been able to transform the lives of 4.5 lakh individuals, help 1000 families and help increase productivity of 50 organisations. I never wanted to be a teacher, however due to the insistence of my mother and the need to start earning I became a teacher.

After three years of teaching, I realised that the future of the country depended on how teachers moulded children to be future citizens. So my duty as a teacher was to ensure that each child who studied under my guidance had the knowledge, expertise and application skills to lead a fulfilling life by being a gift to the world.

So I took a lot of efforts to ensure that the hidden talents of each child was brought to the forefront and fortunately I was able to identify the area in which a child could be developed so as to feel valued by the society. This I practised at Vivek Vidyalaya, individual students who came to me through reference, Our lady’s Boys home(orphanage), Nihar school for specially abled and many others.


After having researched on the concept of Multiple intelligence by Howard Gardner, I started Nature Clubs, Interact clubs, Quiz competitions, writing education based articles for parents, children and teachers, Scouting and guiding and various inter and intra curricular activities with an intention of helping  students (especially those who were not so good at academics) find joy and fulfilment in learning and with their achievements. 

What I realised is that the education system somewhere did not provide life skills education in the true sense and academic institutes seemed like factories churning out academicians  and I wanted to change the norm and changed my methodologies of teaching to experiential learning which helped many students improve their performance.

Upgrading myself by being a part of the  Life skills training and resource trainer at state level for Aids education and may other departmental trainings and taking courses, attending seminars, presenting papers and conferences on educational initiatives and methodologies, doing my masters in counselling and psychotherapy made me a better educator and my work was recognised in the form of awards and recognitions.

All these equipped me to be an excellent trainer and counsellor leading me to conduct 346 workshops in various government and non-governmental organisations and MBA institutes on various topics with the objective of improving human connect in families and organisations.

Q: How did you plan to be a Corporate Leadership Coach, what was the key challenge?

I did not plan it. I just followed the divine plan as per my strong intuitions. Corporate Leadership coaching just evolved. In 2007, one afternoon I drew the logo of my company Management Me and in 2009 it just hit me that my dream is to “Inspire one Billion plus people to transform to their true potential “


After having conducted 200+ workshops and seminars and witnessing so many transformations and success stories of my clients, i wanted to pursue life coaching and got certified for the same in 2010. Further I started getting training offers from various organisations like RTI, Audit Bhavan, Acme and others. I upgraded myself to get more tools to coach people and become a DMIT analyst, psychometrician, NLP practitioner, Goal facilitator and outbound Trainer.

Being a teacher was by chance, however, I found myself being passionate about helping people find their answers hence I became a Life coach.

Many of my ex-students working at high profile jobs came to me with their personal and professional problems and I coached them successfully. That’s when I felt that I could provide to the need of personal and professional development of individuals at higher positions in companies.

Few years back a company owner came to me to be trained in public speaking and he who was scared of holding the mike in his hand reached a level of speaking confidence where within a week’s time after training he spoke in front of 500 people and in a month’s time did stand-up comedy. Now I train his company leaders and have done various projects with them as well as other companies to create second line leaders as a “corporate leadership coach”. I realised that if I trained & coached the leaders of companies only then can I reach my dream of helping 1billion plus individuals.

The key challenges were to

  • Get across the value of investing in employees for enhancing the productivity of the organisation.
  • Changing the perspectives of the company owners regarding productivity.

I have co-authored a book, in this context with the legendary Brian Tracy which will soon be released on Amazon, addressing this specific challenge.

  • Becoming a digitally mature company to showcase Management Me as an expert in the field of Corporate Leadership coaching.

Well, we are still a work in progress and I’m sure we will emerge soon as industry experts.

Q:  Explain about your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.

As a Corporate leadership coach my role involves transforming leaders and organizations. Businesses need effective managers to lead teams through change, burnout and economic upheaval. I prepare leaders for transition and growth and help them mediate workplace behaviours, support project success and provide long term results.

This career is highly demanding as in terms of keeping myself very centered, focussed, alert and developing complex instructional design which makes learning simple as well as catering to individual needs. Further I need to demonstrate and take ownership for the commitment, knowledge, behavioural changes and changes in attitude of participants.

Since human behaviour is very complex and each person is unique…it is definitely a challenge.

I am a person who loves challenges, so solving every challenge was an achievement for me and this drove me to new learnings which was again very rewarding in terms of intellectual stimulation as well as financial returns.

The challenges I faced in my career was 

  • My mindset, I had to move from the role of a counsellor to a coach and then think like an entrepreneur. This I could overcome by taking business coaching.
  • Digital Marketing and Sales Mastery. As these are constantly evolving, I had to do a lot of experimentation on what worked and what did not, many trials and errors . So as the saying goes, “Success is moving from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm” I am enjoying this journey.

Thankfully I have outsourced a few functions and got the right people for it.

  • Learning money management and building systems in business is what I am setting up now. 

Corporate leadership coaching prepares leaders for transition and growth and helps them mediate workplace behaviours, support project success, and provide long-term results. I believe “What stops us is fear, and fear is the absence of knowledge”. Hence knowledge can solve all problems, only we should never shy away from learning whether from books, people or experiences.

Q:  What are your future plans and projects?

Future plans are to build 5 more verticals in addition to the existing 2(School of Confidence & Management Me Training Solutions) catering to various needs but all related to personal development leading to the concept of “Vasudevakutumbukum” (one world, one family).

Q: Tell us about your organisation.

Management Me..Insights for a lifetime is an organisation catering to personal development with an aim of helping build the human connect in families and organisations with a global vision of global peace. It’s our humble attempt to help alleviate human suffering by helping build strong relationships with self and others and thus help build communities that uphold human connections as vital to progress and self-actualization leading to peace in the world.

We are into Coaching, Counselling and Training services and use various tools to bring out the best in an individual.


Our dream –To inspire one billion plus individuals to transform to their true potential.

Vision – Empowerment of individuals through self- belief.

Mission – Life Designing, coaching, counselling & training with an objective to improve the human connect in organisations and families, focusing on power skills that liberate individuals to lead better lives, leading to a nation that lives life to the fullest

Our tools- Psychometrics, Counselling, Psychotherapy, NLP, Mentoring & Life Coaching

Philosophy – Our thoughts shape our future!!


Motto- I win when you win

Q: Tell us one thing which you feel that sets you/your organisation apart from other.

Well, Management Me is born by demand of people and our success stories are our USP. We stand apart as we give customised trainings which gives the best results for the customers hence our customers become our lifelong fans /friends. At our school of confidence, “Failure is allowed, giving up is not.”

Secondly, we have a very specific, structured and practical curriculum which has been researched after 30yrs of study of human behaviour. We ensure guaranteed success. Our trainings have helped reduce attrition rate, help smooth transitions from one leadership position  to other, created synergies amongst teams, helped create career growth plan for employees and increase the overall productivity.

Thirdly we keep upgrading our knowledge, skills and attitude to provide for the changing times and we stand for social change upholding human values.


Q:  Message for readers 

If you have a dream, keep moving towards it however slow you may be.

One day you will find the fog of obstacles clear and reveal everything you have imagined and again you will be in awe. 

Now keep moving forward creating new dreams. Keep moving with enthusiasm from one dream to other and you will find that you have inspired many others to create their dreams.

Q:  How was your experience with Credent TV?


I would like to congratulate Credent TV for doing a great work of bringing intellectuals from various fields to share their knowledge with the audience. My experience with them was really good. I am impressed by the way they have organised various programs and are not only adding value to the audience but also to us. It’s a win-win for all.