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Action speak louder than Words.

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I strongly believe that action speak louder than words.where we live today, people tend to avoid paying attention to anyone who is talking, unless you have a good impression on them. I guess the reason of that is that words are alterable; we say something, and we change it the next minute right away. So i firmly believe that actions speak louder than words. Words cannot be seen or proven unless they are acted out. People have the habit of making noise and sound in the air. It is necessary  to remember that if your achievements are worthable, people will sooner or later come to know .. It is better to take a step ahead and work hard in achieving your dream rather than feeling proud about it. . Promises will not be believed, unless acted upon. Ego and pride can kill any achievement .

 All the people who remain down to Earth have achieved remarkable success in the  life. Just follow your dreams and try to achieve whatever you desire.What is worthable about the achievements of the great personalities in the world is that they always dreamt big but never boasted about achieving achieve an what you worked for your action will certainly speak louder than your words. You will not even have to give an explanation.

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