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Always Choose Kindness!!

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This simple  statement made me wonder and so amazed .. it sounds so simple…BE KIND… …it is not…However…for  us to be kind…we don’t have to pay any thing for this thing.. not a single penny…it does not hurt us…it doesn’t take much of our time…and….we all know how to do it…so why then… is it so difficult???I would guess that we can all very easily think of a time  when someone …was  NOT kind to us…when someone said or did something that hurt…that made us feel bad…or…. Why if being kind… is such an easy thing to do….do people choose NOT TO  BE..?  would like to believe that …we all want to be kind.As kind as we can be…so why are there times we are not??… Could it be that we don’t really think about it?? …

Words are powerful. They can build up, and they can build down. A careless comment can  hurt in ways the person never thought, or, perhaps, way worse. Choosing Kindness, a skillful behavior. Skillful behaviors are those words and actions that increase peace and happiness in our life and also in those around us. kindness, also called unlimited friendliness.. kindness includes patience, gratitude, and appreciation, and is a caring for the well-being of another person or expecting anything in return. So if you Choose Kindness reward is a happy and secure life.

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