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China’s 38 warplanes are passing close to Taiwan, which will be monitored by six ships

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China’s 38 warplanes are passing close to Taiwan, which will be monitored by six ships, and US defence companies will visit Taiwan.

China has once more completely encircled Taiwan. This information was released by Taiwan’s defence ministry on Friday. Following a three-day military exercise at the start of the month, China again placed six warships under Taiwan’s watch on Thursday.

Fighter aircraft then encircled Taiwan Island from all sides. This action by China has been deemed provocative by the defence ministry. On the map, the ministry reported that 19 aircraft had flown extremely close to Taiwan.

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China sent a drone at this time as well.


According to information provided by Taiwan’s Defence Ministry, nine Chinese aircraft surrounded him on all sides. According to the ministry, among these aircraft were five Sukhoi SU-30s imported from Russia, two fourth-generation Shenyang J-16s, and a TB-001 drone.

China is taking these actions in response to Taiwan’s announcement that numerous US defence companies are paying a visit.

In this, Taiwanese and American businesses will talk about the sale of weapons and other military supplies. China has stated that it is a very serious issue. Tan Kefei, a spokesman for the Chinese Defence Ministry, stated that China is extremely concerned about the visit of US defence companies.

America exports war to make money.

Concerning America’s military industrial complex, China stated that by selling weapons all over the world, they export war for profit, i.e., they get war done in order to sell weapons. Calling them Taiwan is akin to inviting wolves into your home. This will increase the risk in Taiwan.


In fact, Steven Rudder, the commander of the United States Navy in the Pacific Ocean, will begin the address to the US-Taiwan Military Industrial Complex.

The cause of the US-China conflict over Taiwan

In 1979, the United States reestablished diplomatic relations with China and severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan. Despite this, America has been supplying Taiwan with arms. China is opposed to this. America has also supported the One China policy for decades, but it lacks a policy on Taiwan.

For the time being, President Joe Biden appears to be abandoning this policy. He has repeatedly stated that if China attacks Taiwan, America will come to its aid. While continuing arms sales, Biden increased US officials’ interactions with Taiwan.

For three days, China conducted a war drill near Taiwan.


China began military drills near Pingtan Island in Taiwan’s Fujian province on April 8. During the three-day exercise, 172 Chinese fighter jets took to the skies. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) used live ammunition during this time. In fact, China was agitated following Taiwan’s President Sai Ing Wen’s meeting with US Speaker McCarthy.

China had also barred the entry of two American organisations. According to reports, these two organisations planned President Sai Ing Wayne’s visit to the United States. Among these institutions is the Ronald Reagan Library of California.