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Delhi MCD electionto the BJP’s demand for a new Standing Committee poll

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the Delhi MCD election on February 24: AAP and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) councillors clashed on Wednesday, causing the House to descend into full anarchy and leading to over a dozen adjournments. At one point, they even started throwing water bottles, bananas, and voting boxes at one another.

Shelly Oberoi, the recently elected mayor of Delhi, has agreed to the BJP’s demand for new polls to select the six members of the Standing Committee, the MCD’s highest governing body. This morning’s MCD House sessions started after an hour of delay.

The chances of a smooth election are slim if the last two days of processes are any indication. The voting for the Standing Committee started on Wednesday night, shortly after AAP candidate Shelly Oberoi was chosen as Delhi’s new mayor. About a dozen adjournments resulted as the House degenerated into full chaos as AAP and BJP councillors traded punches and at one point even started throwing bananas, drink bottles, and voting boxes at one another. The election was stalled on Thursday morning when shouting matches, altercations, and full-fledged fist fights broke out in the House. The House then adjourned for the day.

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On Thursday, the BJP and AAP traded jabs and accused one another of breaking the rules during the third and final internal election for the civic body on Wednesday. The BJP said that the main cause of the conflict was the decision to permit voters in these polls to bring their phones and pens into the polling place despite forbidding it during the mayoral and deputy mayoral elections. They demanded a new election, but Oberoi rejected their request and told them they could all “keep their cell phones with them” because they were “respected councillors.”

MCD election in dehli