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Education makes man perfect…

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Education is not all about studying and getting good marks. It is really a means to discover new things and increase our knowledge.Education is the light of our life.Education is the movement from darkness to light.It is the key feature to a bright future It gives our thinking a different appearance and helps us keep away all our darkness and ignorance.It leads us to the path of the success.

Un- educated people can be easily cheated, be-fooled. Many people in our country do not receive education because of poverty, lack of educational facilities or social condition, especially in case of girls.

Education also helps in boosting up the confidence , at the same time it opens new doors of success .knowledge is never waste.Learning process must not end until death.If a man is educated, only an individual is educated. But if a woman is educated, the whole family is educated. This will help to change the society as a whole. Government also has taken up many programs for this purpose.

An educated person has the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. It is our foremost priority of a society to educate its citizens.Focus should be on women’s education because the knowledge of woman can bring  a change in a family and  the society as a whole..


We must realise the importance of education. We must ensure that each citizen of our nation is educated , because education makes man perfect..


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