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Heatwave in India, IMD Recommendations for Staying Healthy in Hot Weather

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IMD ,Heatwave

India’s heatwave: The India Meteorological Department has issued heat wave warnings for a number of areas. Regarding the humid summer, see IMD Guidelines.

Indian heatwave

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a heat wave warning for a number of areas as many states are experiencing oppressive heat. Doctors have emphasised that pregnant women, children, and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of extreme heat waves.Several state governments have issued directives in response to the predicted heat wave. The IMD has also advised the general public to drink plenty of water and exercise caution when it’s hot outside.

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IMD Recommendations for Warm Weather


The IMD recommendations for the hot weather are as follows:

It’s crucial to stay hydrated, particularly in hot weather. It is advised to consume at least 2-2.5 litres of water per day, though other liquids like salted water, coconut water with salt, and lemon water with salt can also be beneficial.

It is essential to avoid spending a lot of time in overly hot environments if you want to avoid getting sick from the heat. It’s crucial to avoid exercising in the heat and to understand that heatstroke is a serious medical emergency.In addition to drinking plenty of water, you should avoid strenuous physical activity that could cause your body temperature to rise.

It is advised to consume less protein and more fruits and vegetables with a high water content when there is a heat wave. Caffeine should be avoided by expectant mothers, but buttermilk and fresh fruit juice can be healthy drinks to sip on.

Wearing loose-fitting clothing will reduce the effect of heat on the body and make you feel more comfortable, but it’s still important to take the hot weather conditions into account.By drawing the curtains to block the sun’s rays, you can maintain a cooler atmosphere inside your home while the heatwave lasts.


It is essential to take additional precautions to lessen the impact of extreme heat because the effects of heatwaves on different people can vary. In addition to weakness, exhaustion, and body pain, severe cases of heatstroke can result in seizures or loss of consciousness.

Tips for Drinking Water in Hot Weather

To prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke during heat waves, stay hydrated. Following are some pointers to keep yourself hydrated:

Drink a lot of water: Even if you’re not thirsty, sip on water frequently throughout the day. In order to have access to water whenever you need it, you can also carry a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go.Avoid using caffeine and alcohol: Avoiding alcohol and caffeine during heat waves is advised because they can dehydrate you.

Eat foods high in water: Foods with a high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, and lettuce, can help you stay hydrated.


Stay in cool places: During heat waves, make every effort to spend as much time indoors where it is air conditioned. Try to remain in cooler areas of your home or in the shade if you don’t have air conditioning.Take cool showers: A cool shower or bath can help you stay hydrated and lower your body temperature.

Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing that allows your skin to breathe and aids in the evaporation of sweat.

Watch the hue of your urine: Your drinking of water may not be sufficient if your urine is dark yellow. Urine should be clear or pale yellow.You can help prevent dehydration and stay hydrated during heat waves by following these tips. If you experience dehydration symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, headache, dizziness, or fatigue, drink water right away and seek medical attention if your symptoms worsen.
