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Building Infrastructure Resilience for a Sustainable Future is the theme of ICDRI 2023

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ICDRI 2023: A forum for world leaders to discuss options for infrastructure that is disaster-resistant

The yearly international symposium on disaster-resistant construction (ICDRI)

The International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) is held annually by the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) and its collaborators. In order to promote disaster and climate-resilient infrastructure, the conference aims to facilitate discussions among member nations, organizations, institutions, and stakeholders in infrastructure. ICDRI 2023 will be a hybrid conference that brings together institutions, academics, thought-leaders, and decision-makers from all over the world to talk about ways to make infrastructure more resilient.

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The Value of Resilient Infrastructure in Meeting People’s Needs


To meet people’s needs, infrastructure systems like those for energy, transportation, water, wastewater management, digital communication, and others are essential. In order to achieve the desired social and environmental impacts while also generating long-term economic gains, it is crucial to ensure that infrastructure is sustainable, resilient, and inclusive. Knowledge exchange and capacity development, technology and innovation, responsive policy and governance, and sustainable financing are crucial for achieving these objectives. With a focus on collaboration, innovation, and risk-informed approaches, ICDRI 2023 will design solutions and pathways to embed and achieve infrastructure resilience.

ICDRI’s 2023 goals include creating partnerships and promoting knowledge exchange.

The goals of ICDRI 2023 include giving member nations a platform to participate in and contribute to DRI solution pathways, bringing together infrastructure actors to foster partnerships and knowledge sharing, and bringing together DRI stakeholders to strengthen group action on infrastructure resilience. Delivering Resilient Infrastructure – Inclusive and Risk-Informed Systems, Providing Reliable Services Through Resilient Infrastructure Assets, and Realizing Finance and Investments for Infrastructure Resilience will be the three main themes of the conference.

Featuring Disaster Resilient Infrastructure Solutions at ICDRI 2023

At ICDRI 2023, practises and solutions that have been proven to work in providing resilient infrastructure to people and economies across various geographies, climatic types, and infrastructure sectors will be highlighted. The International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI), which will take place in 2023, will:


The Biennial Report on Global Infrastructure Resilience, the collaborative delivery method of IRIS with SIDS, the operationalization of IRAF, and the beginning of the DRI Academic Network and Partnership are just a few of the initiatives that attendees will have the chance to learn about. With a focus on risk-informed systems, resilient infrastructure assets, and creative financing, the conference aims to identify and discuss workable solutions and pathways to promote resilient infrastructure