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The Chief Justice orders the lawyer, “Be quiet, and leave the court immediately.”

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According to reports, top attorneys Kapil Sibal and NK Kaul later apologised on behalf of the Bar to the Chief Justice.

After a heated exchange over the listing of a plea, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud lost his cool in court today and asked a lawyer to leave.

According to accounts, Judge Chandrachud “shouted at the top of his voice” at senior attorney Vikas Singh, who was pleading with the Supreme Court to expedite a matter involving property for Supreme Court attorneys.Furious, the Chief Justice yelled: “Be silent. Exit this court immediately. We will not be silenced by you!”

The Supreme Court Bar Association’s president, Vikas Singh, pushed for a hearing on a petition filed by the lawyers’ group asking that property given to the Supreme Court be utilised for a chamber complex for attorneys. According to him, attorneys have been trying to get the case listed for the last six months.

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“In this manner, you cannot demand land. You mention the day we spend the entire day doing nothing?” Commented Justice Chandrachud.Mr. Singh made a threat at the Chief Justice’s door. “I don’t mean to imply that you spend the entire day doing nothing. Just getting the matter listed is all I’m after. I shall have to escalate and take it to your lordships’ home if it is not done. I do not want the Bar to be viewed in this manner “said he.

“Don’t make any threats to the Chief Justice. Is this acceptable behaviour?” Justice Chandrachud retorted.”My name is Chief Justice. I’ve been working here since March 29, 2000. I’ve been in this business for 22 years. I have never been browbeaten by a member of the Bar, a litigant, or anybody else. It is something I will not do in the last two years of my career.”

The Chief Justice went on to say: “You will be handled like any other plaintiff. Don’t try to make me do something you don’t want to, please.”Judge Chandrachud even requested that the attorney refrain from raising his voice during the abrasive back and forth.

Considering that attorneys had been waiting for chambers for 20 years, Mr. Singh claimed to have “felt deeply” about the issue. The bar shouldn’t be taken for granted, he argued, just because it doesn’t do anything.”Please refrain from speaking loudly. This is not appropriate behaviour for the SCBA President. You want to allow the bar access to land that was handed to the Supreme Court. I’ve made up my mind. It won’t be the first on board when it is seized on the 17th “the Chief Justice stated.

According to reports, top attorneys Kapil Sibal and NK Kaul later apologised on behalf of the Bar to the Chief Justice.
