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Make the”Unconscious”-“Conscious”-Samarth Vyas

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Samarth Vyas

World Humanity and Peace Award Winner Samarth Vyas

Credent TV

Q: Tell us about your background
Ans – I started doing Meditation when I was of the age – 21 or 22 which helped me understand myself better resulting into knowing & understanding existential fundamentals which endorsed growth. My first Energy experience happened when I was around 23 or 24 & soon after that experience that fundamentally everything is an energy form i plunged into learning Energy Modules & methods bring me to the brick today where i have been into Energy healing from at least 10 years being a Proprietor of an institute named – Reiki By MasterS {RBM for short}.

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Q: Tell us about your contribution to the society.
Ans – We @ RBM have been doing a lot of Awareness programs for people at large with an agenda that people realize the realities of life through the exposure & experience of Energies & over all of Alternative Therapies. We have been doing Talk shows.with Doctors & professionally scientifically endorse Energy Science is backed up by the latest science in motion which is “Quantum Science “.

Q: How did you plan to be a Mental Health Expert/Healer/Counsellor, what was the key challenge?
Ans – Well frankly there wasn’t any plan & still there isn’t any. Its just about Healing a Human life form or a life form from the holistic approach which includes each dimension of a life form – may it be physical, mental, psychological, emotional or all of them working together.


Q: Explain about your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.
Ans – Well I would want to use the word “Journey ” rather than a word / term “Career”, Endorsement of Healing isn’t a career but a journey of knowing, understanding, exploring & expanding our own consciousness in the most natural & neutral dimension resulting into an existential upliftment of all who makes a choice of healing themselves, learning, evolution & growth in this life.

Q: What are your future plans and projects?
Ans – Future plans are to keep expanding the process of healing & sending & setting a message to people at large that through Energies one can improve their life experiences resulting into a healthier & a happier life.

Q: Tell us about your organisation.
Ans – Reiki By MasterS {RBM for Short} is a place where Alternative therapies – Mainly Energy Healing is done for the betterment of people, We do Talks shows & Meditation sessions on significant & powerful days like Mahashivratri or any Solar or Lunar eclipse or Full Moon days like Buddha Purnima, these Sessions are free of cost for people to experience the significance of energies.

Q: Tell us one thing which you feel that sets you/your organisation apart from other.
Ans – This is something people will say after reading the interview details.

Q: Message for readers
Ans – Experience is the best dimension of learning through life, just ensure that the experience you use to learn right should be the “Correct experience to learn from”. Use your experience to be more Focused, Alert, Attentive & then a Aware if possible – with Awareness life is very different then to just be a “Program”.
