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A Milky Way clone? NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has identified a new galaxy

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James Webb

Sparkler was caught by the James Webb telescope during a time when the Universe was barely a third of its current age, roughly four billion years old

Every star in the universe represents the possibility of new life. The James Webb Space Telescope recently identified a galaxy that is identical to the Milky Way.

Sparkler is a galaxy found in the constellation Volens. It is surrounded by many globular clusters. A million stars are found in these clusters. Our galaxy now has roughly 200 of them, according to was caught by the James Webb telescope during a time when the Universe was barely a third of its current age, roughly four billion years old. According to Science Alert, if the new galaxy continues to develop at its current rate, it should be able to reach the same size as the Milky Way in around 9 billion years.

The James Webb Telescope’s findings have been published in peer-reviewed publications. The work was co-authored by Aaron Romanowsky of San Jose State University and Duncan Forbes of Australia’s Swinburne University.

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Prof Forves claims that the team has been observing the formation of the new galaxy, which is taking place in a dwarf galaxy-like structure surrounded by many globular clusters. He stated that this new discovery allows for further research into the development of the baby Milky Way and globular clusters. The origin of these clusters has long been a mystery, according to research co-author Aaron Romanowsky.Astronomers will obtain a better grasp of how the Milky Way developed by studying this galaxy.

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What is Milky Way short paragraph?

The Milky Way galaxy is a massive collection of stars, dust, and gas. It’s termed a spiral galaxy because it looks like a whirling pinwheel whether viewed from the top or bottom. The Sun is placed on one of the spiral arms, some 25,000 light-years from the galaxy’s centre.

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What will happen to our galaxy in 10 billion years?

After a spectacular series of close passes lasting billions of years – and which will distort the structure of both galaxies – a final merger of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy will occur about 10 billion years from now.

What is James Webb known for?

From February 1961 through October 1968, the nascent space agency was commanded by James E. Webb. He was of the opinion that NASA needed to achieve a balance between human space flight and science.

What is special about James Webb orbit?

What is special about this orbit is that it lets the telescope stay in line with the Earth as it moves around the Sun. This allows the satellite’s large sunshield to protect the telescope from the light and heat of the Sun and Earth (and Moon).

What has James Webb discovered?

However, Webb has made several additional astonishing findings, which may be seen here. Webb’s top 12 scientific breakthroughs are listed below.

How far can James Webb see?

Webb has the capability of looking 13.6 billion light years into space, which will be the farthest distant we’ve ever seen. This picture of the SMACS 0723 galaxy cluster comprises hundreds of galaxies, some of which are as far away as 13.1 billion light years. (A single light year is approximately 6 trillion miles.)

How many galaxies are there?

The Hubble Deep Field, a very long exposure of a comparatively barren section of the sky, revealed that the visible universe contains around 125 billion (1.251011) galaxies.