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Biden warns risk of nuclear ‘Armageddon’ is highest since Cuban Missile Crisis

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Biden warns risk of nuclear 'Armageddon' is highest since Cuban Missile Crisis

Biden warns risk of nuclear ‘Armageddon’ is highest since Cuban Missile Crisis

The US President has for the first time warned of a ‘nuclear Armageddon’ threat amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. He said during a speech that Armageddon is one of the biggest risks since the Cuban missile crisis. He said he was trying to find Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “off-ramp” in the Ukraine conflict.

Speaking to party supporters at an event in Manhattan hosted by James Murdoch, son of newspaper mogul Rupert Murdoch, Biden spoke of the risks posed by Putin’s nuclear threat, saying that since the Kennedy and Cuban missile crises in 1962, we have considered the prospect of Armageddon. have not encountered. Biden said Putin was not joking, he had threatened to use nuclear weapons to launch an invasion of Ukraine.(

Referring to the nuclear standoff caused by the Soviet Union’s deployment of missiles in Cuba within easy range of the United States, Joe Biden said that for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, we face a direct threat of the use of nuclear weapons.

Putin has threatened, far less indirectly, to use nuclear weapons if he believes he has exhausted his options to annex Ukrainian territory in the face of stiff resistance from Western-backed Kyiv. Experts say these will be relatively small, tactical strikes. But Biden warned that a tactical attack in a limited area could still trigger a widespread explosion.
