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Education: Foundation of Freedom, Democracy and Sustainable Development

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Ryan International Group of Institutions
Dr. A. F. Pinto

“Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy, and sustainable human development. “ Dr. A. F. Pinto

Credent TV | This quote of Kofi Annan, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations beautifully throws light on the top priority that education should have to transform any nation.  As we celebrate 75 years of Independence, it is a moment of pride for all of us to look back on these glorious years to salute our freedom fighters for their sacrifice and valor in getting us freedom and for many nation builders, visionaries and revolutionaries over the last 71/2 decades for their passion and efforts to shape India to become what it is today.  

Dr. A. F. Pinto, Chairman, Ryan International Group of Institutions
Dr. A. F. Pinto, Chairman, Ryan International Group of Institutions

Today India is among the developing nations of the world having all the potential to become a global superpower. India has made tremendous progress in every segment be it education, science, economy, sports, space, medicine/healthcare, technology and entrepreneurship, India has reached new pinnacles of success.  

Educational reformation has been the driving force behind the rapid transformation that is taking place in every field in the country. Nelson Mandela has rightly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

India’s contribution to medicine, science, and the provision of a workforce has been tremendous on the global platform.  It is commendable that India has made consistent efforts to achieve freedom from various evils such as poverty, corruption, terrorism, and so forth through education and awareness.  

The key to true freedom is Education.  One of the major changes in the education sector was the introduction of the New National Education Policy (NEP) which sets out a blueprint for a huge overhaul in the way institutions should operate in the country.  One of the major things that are expected is a shift away from rote learning and to boost research based learning and skill development.  Aligning the present education system with the NEP is the need of the hour to stay creative and innovate in the segment of education.  


There is a huge responsibility to enhance life skills and nurture mindfulness by preparing the present generation for an increasingly complex and futuristic world. There is a need to transform the educational pedagogy and methodology by building a dynamic collaboration of experts and enhancing the positive effects of technology in learning.

With such a huge young population in the country, India, with an education system that develops not only employable graduates but also skilled workers, entrepreneurs, researchers, sports people, musicians, leaders, educators, scientists, and so forth, can become a global economic super power.   

This “75 years of Freedom Mahotsav” gives us yet another occasion to focus on the aspect that with freedom comes responsibility; responsibility of making India a self-reliant nation of the world by ensuring an ecosystem that promotes 21st Century Education, healthcare, socio-economic and infrastructural development. 

Building quality human infrastructure is vital and education can address this challenge with ease.  It is through education that we can encourage creativity and innovation and integrate children into the process of teaching-learning to become lifelong learners.

I wish you a Very Happy Independence Day!  May this celebration of freedom be an inspiration for us to take India to greater heights of success in every segment of life.  As proud Indians, let us make every effort to see India Rise and Glorified as Rabindranath Tagore has wonderfully said, “Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.”


Jai Hind!

Dr. A. F. Pinto

Ryan International Group of Institutions
