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European Union Chief Bucha arrives: Ukraine’s power may increase soon

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European Union Chief Bucha

Ukraine may soon become an official member of the European Union (EU). EU President Ursula von der Leyen visited Bucha, Ukraine. In the meantime, he has submitted an official membership questioner to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. To become a member of the EU you need to answer a few questions. Ursula entrusted Zelensky with these same questions. Zelensky will answer them in due course.

EU membership usually takes years, but Ursula von der Leyen pointed to Ukraine becoming a member in a matter of weeks. He said that it will not take years for Ukraine to become a member. I think it’s a matter of a few weeks.

Earlier, the European Union had announced a grant of 7.5 million euros to Ukraine to investigate war crimes. During this, Ursula Vaughan said that we saw humanity disintegrating here in Bucha. This is the cruelty of Russian soldiers. Along with the people of Boocha, the whole world is in mourning. Also said that we stand with Ukraine in this fight.

European Union
European Union

What are the benefits of Ukraine becoming a member?

If Ukraine becomes a member of the European Union, its military power will increase. All the countries of the European Union work together to help the country that the enemy attacks. There is a mutual defense clause in this regard, due to which it becomes imperative to help the country in distress. That’s why Ukraine wants EU membership. If this happens, then it can get great power against Russia.

There will also be financial benefits

Apart from this, becoming a member of the EU from an economic point of view will prove to be very beneficial for Ukraine. It will get open market with all European countries and every goods will be able to move easily from one country to another without any restrictions. At the same time, becoming a member of the European Union will also help the citizens of Ukraine, they will get many rights. For example, if a citizen comes to a European country from Ukraine, he will not need to apply for a visa to stay there for three years. This will also give Ukraine a big security cover.


How does a country become a member of the European Union?

EU membership is a long-standing demand of Ukraine for which it is fighting. Just as NATO membership is important for Ukraine, it is important for Ukraine to become a member of the European Union. Although the process of obtaining EU membership is complex and lengthy, it can take years.

First, the country joining the EU has to be a free market economy. Then it has to comply with all the rules and regulations of the European Union. After this all members of the European Council have to approve a country by a vote. The process involves several rounds of applications and negotiations.