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St Angela Sophia Sr. Sec School ,Jaipur

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Blazing new trails ever onwards…..

Everyday is to be the worth of God himself ‘It is God who works in both to will and to accomplish’.Our founder, Bishop Fortunatus Henri Caumont , was a dynamic personality and a born leader, infused with a powerful xperience of God’s love. The experience he had of the love of God set him ablaze to share this same love with the owntrodden, the lost and the forsaken.
Josephine, Sister of  BishopHenri Caumont, was born on December 13,1880 in France. Theirs was a family of deep aith. All the members of the family dedicated their lives to the service of God and even their mother became a nun atthe age of forty-six.  Love for the poor and the call of the missions drew the entire Caumont family irresistibly owards distant India.Jesus told his disciples,
“ Go to the ends of the world and proclaim the Good News to all” Mt.28).The Mission Sisters of Ajmer is an Indian Congregation of religious sister who responded to Jesus’ call by working to uplift women and girl-children, and by rendering  serviceto the poor as also our less fortunate sisters and brothers in urban and rural areas. Almost  a century ago in Ajmer, a group of young ladies had made up their minds to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ and tothe service of humanity. They approached Fr Fortunatus Henri Caumont a French priest working in India, who later became the first Bishop of Ajmer to form a Religious society to help them carry out this mission. And thus the Congregation  of the Mission Sisters of Ajmer was founded on 26April, 1911, with its headquarters at Ajmer.


We all have our separate Pathways to take,
Our Destinations to choose
we all have our contributions to make,
our special Talents to use
We all have our own kind of life to pursue
Our own kind of dreams woven,
And we all have to develop the power
to make our wishes coming through
as long as we keep believing.
The foundation of this pious education institute
St. Angela Sophia Sr. Sec. School,  Jaipur was laid down in 1926 and since then Sophia is heading towards the path of success and glory, with around 42 branches all over the country, we are on our mission to impart education to all and uplift the condition of women in India.


The year 2016 will be a glorious one for all of us as St. Angela Sophia School, Jaipur will complete its  90 years. Many changes took place during this span of 90 years. Keeping an eye on future and an aim in heart to educate and empower girl child, our steps were headed towards development.
Glimpses of St. Angela’s

“When a student enters the school, she has nothing to say but when she leaves she has stories to be heard.”

  • Values were, are and will be the essence of this institution.To impart values in students, we visit to various orphanages, health care centre so that students may learn and observe how people fight with their problems. The visit to Tabur Society, Mother Teresa Orphanage, Prison, Leprosy Centre is a regular feature of our curriculum.
  • Angela Sophia Sr. Sec. School has a magnificent infrastructure comprising of many infrastructural facilities like 70 advanced and interactive classes with smart boards, big auditorium where various INTER and INTRA SCHOOL activities are conducted, multipurpose room, audio-visual room where 3D projector is installed to teach the students various subjects with a 3D effect, well-equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, 2 Computer labs, 2 Libraries with around 12,000 books, 2 Gardens. For the all round development of the students, there are Dance and Music rooms. St. Angela Sophia is the FIRST SCHOOL IN JAIPUR where Solar Panels are used to generate electricity and to save environment. Bio- Metric system is installed for the attendance record.
  • Cultural Fest: Every student performed in the fest which was on the theme “FAMILY”. The program started with the prayer service followed by song, dance, skit, etc. depicting the importance of family.
  • “Everyday is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game everyday.”

Our institution has introduced many sports activities like Basket Ball, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton,karate , skating etc.

The students in the tournaments  conducted by:

  • Educational Department- In district level, state level and national level.
  • CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)-In district level, zonal level and national level.
  • In School- inter school competitions are held in which students from different school participate.
  • All the events are celebrated on a grand scale.Independence Day, Republic Day,Gandhi Jayanti and Unity Day are celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm. Our supporting staff is respected and honoured on the workers day for their hard work and dedication towards school.
    Every teacher’s  farewell  or silver jubilee is celebrated with great joy and happiness. Management Day and Teachers’Day  are celebrated with great zeal and fervour.
  • We should respect every religion. Keeping this view various competitions on the eves of various festivals were held like Rakhi making, Diya making, Lantern making, Christmas symbols, Christmas tree making, crib making, skit, carol singing competitions were held.
  • We have five major clubs like Science, Commerce, Humanities,Mathematics and English club. There are a number of other clubs too.

We are proud of you Ex- Angelities

The list are as follows:-

  • ChandaKochar (CEO ICICI Bank)
  • DivyaVashisth (IRS)
  • Vanali Sharma (IAS)
  • ChandrikaBhardwaj (IRS)
  • Megha Sharma (Gynaecologist)
  • Smriti Gupta (Scientist in Spain)
  • Arpita Jindal(Gynaceologist)
  • PriyankaSoni (IIT)
  • JhanaviVyas (Brand Manager ,Sony TV) Recipient President Award through AIIMA
  • LavanyaSmriti (CBI officer)




SOPHIA has never been an institution for me where I got admitted to get education but it is my home, my alma mater.

The very air of Sophia and everyday in Sophia has given a different experience, values, confidence to stand in the outer world. In my 14 years of school life, I have fallen several times but every time I found Sisters and Teachers beside me. Making me stand back to do something great again. Their support has always filled me with great energy.


-YakshitaSoni, (HEAD GIRL), XII A

Sophia, a journey through the golden moments of my life. Entering through those doors the experience of an atmosphere so beautiful and loving is like seeing the most radiant smile in most unlikely times. This institution has given me so much to last for a lifetime. Those hugs when I was crying, cheers on my victories, tears of joy when the school won, when we celebrated an unknown joy in proudly announcing ourselves as “Sophians”. Yes, the school has given me the present which I can open over and over again and cherish every single day of my life. This institution has carved innumerable innocent souls like a sculptor who carves pure and elemental stones to perfection. It has engraved morals on our lives like a delicately mesmerising design on glass.


-MrinalTyagi, XII-D

‘Why I Love My School’

A person undergoes a series of problems in one’s life; how one look at them shows ones potential but the path one chooses to resolve them reflects ones schooling. My school an epitome of wisdom imparts this power of decision making in us. We strive for excellence in all spheres of life. We lift our own burden, break our own shekels and revive our own souls because we are nurtured to do so. A bonding I have; a family I live in; it is a part of my soul; and how can I not love my soul!

-Rishwashekhar,  X D



Sophia is my identity. Everyone around me know myself due to my home Sophia. Here I learn how to live with simplicity, how to be confident, and more over I am learning here to do a task with giving its 100%. I feel myself happy in the healthy atmosphere of my school we can share our problems and thoughts with our teachers. I am learning here all over development of my personality. I can’t imagine to live without my school my friends and my teachers.

Love You Sophia_ _ _ _ You Are In My Soul.

-Harshita Jain,  VIII

School, the wonderland of my thoughts, Sophia the universe of my dreams. Living 13 long years of my life in an ambience so protective, I feel more than privileged to have been a part of a legacy of nourished excellence and elegant perfection. I have learnt to smile in most difficult times so that I may become a reason for others to smile, to hold back tears in gloomy moments so that I can anticipate a new, beautiful dawn, I have learnt to live for people who fall beyond the circle of my life. I wish there could be a word more deeper than “thankyou” for it is and never will be enough for what I have achieved here.



Editor speaks…..

St Angela Sophia Sr. Sec School  is a garden with saplings of our Dreams, Aspirations, Vision and Mission.We invite you in this garden for a walk so that you may experience  the process how the little buds are groomed to bloom.We have spread our dreams in this campus, so tread carefully and softly because as you move, you will come across our Vision of peaceful and joyful world.

– Archana Vyas


“As I enter the gates of Sophia,


Shadow of the building falls on my face,

Instills in me charm and enthusiasm

Empowers me with its grace.”

Yes! The mingled feelings in me, when it was the first day of the school, have now turned into pride and composed ones as now it’s time for me to leave SOPHIAN BUILDING forever. But SOPHIA will always remain in my heart throughout my life.

As it’s quite impossible to express what your parents have done for you, similarly, it’s impossible to express what Sophia has done for me.


There are many schools which create “Brains” of the students but Sophia creates “Human Beings” out of the students.

I love what I am and I love who made me what I am.


-AditiAgarwal,  XII B

The place where I am standing now is the place which has been given by my parents and my teachers. I am whole heartedly thankful to all my teachers and sisters who have encouraged me because they are the ones who groomed me and made so confident that, when I leave this school, I can proudly say I am a “SOPHIAN”.



“I will carry Sophia in my heart,

through all doors and windows.

I will cherish the values which it imparts.

No matter, where my  life blows”


Sophia has made me what I am today. Today, I am an empowered girl  who can put up her thoughts in front of others. Values are imparted through every small thing as we enter the campus till we leave, and these are practiced throughout our lives.

Today as I see myself on the threshold of the Exit of Sophia, I feel that a part of me is going to separate from me.

I love Sophia.

-KritikaSrivastav,  XII-B

Editorial board


Sr. Ramona , the Principal

Mrs. Archana Vyas{PGT}

  1. Yakshita Soni – XII A {Head Girl}
  2. Manisha Ramchandani –XII C {Deputy Head Girl}
  3. Vaishnavi Singh – XII E {Humanities Club President}
  4. Kritika Srivastav –XII B {Maths Club President}
  5. Mrinal Tyagi – XII D {Science Club Secretary}
  6. Neeba L. Babu –XI E  {English Club Secretary}
  7. Aditi Agarwal – XII B
  8. Harshita Mathur – XII B
  9. Divya Shahri –XII C