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The journey from transition to transformation-Sajid Ahamed

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Sajid Ahamed

An Interview of World Humanity and Peace Award winner Sajid Ahamed

Q:  Tell us about your contribution to the society.

Sajid Ahamed is a prominent figure who has made significant contributions to society in the field of mental health and wellness. He has worked tirelessly to bring the benefits of life coaching and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to the public, helping people to identify and overcome their struggles and move towards living a happier and more fulfilled life. His work has been particularly impactful for teens and couples, where he has offered specialized coaching to address their unique needs.

Coach Sajid’s work has centered around mental health and wellness, specifically addressing common issues such as anxiety and depression. In 2020, during the COVID pandemic, Sajid and his team of Inner Peace Coaches and NLP Practitioners organized free counseling services to every needy person. This was a tremendous contribution to society during a time when people were struggling with a range of mental health issues.

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Coach Sajid has also been active in organizing lectures and events on mental health awareness, having organized thousands of such events over the years. This has been instrumental in spreading awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health issues, encouraging more people to seek help and support when they need it.

Q: How did you plan to be a Mental Health and wellness Coach, what was the key challenge?

Sajid Ahamed’s journey to becoming a Mental Health and Wellness Coach began with a personal experience in his family. He had always wanted to do something about it and felt saddened by the impact that mental health issues were having on those around him.

As he grew up, Sajid experienced anxiety himself and saw many of his friends struggle with different stages of depression, addiction, and the use of substances. He witnessed families being torn apart by these challenges and felt a deep desire to help.

However, the key challenge that Sajid faced was that he came from an engineering background, and people may not have trusted him to provide guidance on mental health and wellness issues. Despite this challenge, Sajid realized that passion could create paths, and he was determined to pursue his dream of becoming a Mental Health and Wellness Coach.


Sajid found that the initial stages of his journey were challenging, but he soon realized that the best part of climbing a mountain is the thrill and adventure of reaching the top, and the ease that comes with climbing down. Similarly, once he overcame his initial obstacles, he found that he could make a meaningful impact on the lives of others and help them achieve true inner peace and well-being.

Q:  explain about your career and the challenges that you faced starting your career.

The main challenge lies in tailoring the approach to each individual client as each one is unique and requires a customized approach. I always wanted to provide a solution different from the crowd.

Personally, I aim to tackle the challenge of preventing co-dependency. It is important to me that the individual does not transfer their dependence from medication or psychiatrists to a coach.

As a Mental Health Coach, collaborating with technical experts such as Doctors and Psychiatrists is essential to our role. While we possess expertise in the coaching process, we occasionally encounter situations where our perspectives as NLP Practitioners and coaches differ from those of medical professionals who prefer medication and desensitization as the sole remedy. It can be challenging to communicate this viewpoint, especially when a patient’s family requires a quick fix and medical professionals are supportive of that approach.

Q:  What are your future plans and projects?

  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive support system for teens to improve their mental health and wellness, including resources and guidance for managing stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Training a team of coaches to specialize in addressing mental health issues among teens, women, and youth, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively work with these groups.
  • Creating a training program to help people better understand and handle learning disabilities, providing support to those who struggle with such challenges.
  • Developing a speed-reading project that aims to improve reading efficiency and comprehension, using technology and innovative teaching methods to enhance the learning process.

Q: Tell us about your organisation

Inner Peace Life Coaching provides a range of services in the areas of personal growth, self-awareness, and relationship-building. Some of the key areas that the coaching focuses on include:

  1. Effective Parenting: Providing guidance and support to parents to help them raise well-adjusted and successful children.
  2. Conscious Learning: Helping individuals to develop awareness and mindfulness to enhance their learning experiences and outcomes.
  3. Harmonious Relationship: Providing tools and strategies to help individuals create and maintain positive, healthy relationships.
  4. Finding True Self: Assisting individuals to explore their inner selves, discover their purpose and passions, and live a more authentic life.
  5. Life Coaching: Providing guidance and support to individuals in various aspects of their lives, such as career, personal growth, relationships, and more.
  6. Dynamic Self Transformation: Helping individuals to transform their lives in a positive and meaningful way, enabling them to reach their full potential.
  7. Relaxation Technique: Providing effective relaxation techniques that help individuals to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension.
  8. Emotional Mastery: Helping individuals to understand and manage their emotions, enabling them to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Overall, Inner Peace Life Coaching provides a holistic approach to personal growth and development, offering support in various aspects of life, enabling individuals to live a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Q: Tell us one thing which you feel that sets you/your organisation apart from other

Inner Peace Life Coaching stands out from other coaching services in several key ways. One of the main things that sets it apart is its expertise in NLP Mastery, which is a powerful tool that helps individuals to achieve personal and professional success by changing the way they think and behave. The coaching service also offers specialized support for emotional intelligence, enabling clients to develop greater self-awareness and emotional mastery.

Another factor that sets Inner Peace Life Coaching apart from others is its team of high-performance coaches, who are dedicated to helping clients achieve their goals and reach their full potential. The coaching service also employs a range of complementary therapies, including Reiki and EFT, which help clients to achieve greater balance and harmony in their lives.

Overall, Inner Peace Life Coaching provides a unique and personalized approach to coaching that integrates a range of effective techniques and therapies to help clients achieve sustainable, long-term results. By combining expertise in NLP Mastery, emotional intelligence, high-performance coaching, Reiki, and EFT, Inner Peace Life Coaching offers a holistic approach to coaching that empowers clients to achieve true inner peace and create positive change in all aspects of their lives.


Q:  message for readers

Dear Readers, it’s essential to remember that your focus determines your reality. By maintaining a clear and positive mindset, you can take charge of your mind and create the life you desire. Don’t be afraid to accept challenges, as they provide opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Always remember that the mind and body are one unit, so take care of both to achieve true inner peace and success in life. With effort and dedication, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

Q:  how was your experience with Credent TV

I’m thrilled to share a delightful experience with Credent TV. At Inner Peace Life Coaching, we are passionate about spreading awareness and building strong minds, and it’s wonderful to see that Credent TV shares this vision. It’s exciting to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations to promote mindfulness, personal growth, and emotional intelligence. Together, we can help more people achieve true inner peace and lead more fulfilling lives

World Humanity and Peace Award winner Sajid Ahamed


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