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Google’s most recent advertisement, the iPhone 14 Pro is “jealous” of the Pixel 7 Pro

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iPhone 14 Pro

The Pixel 7 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro are depicted as “best friends” in Google’s most recent advertisement, but the iPhone is envious of the Pixel.


In its most recent advertisement, Google makes fun of Apple by pitting the Pixel 7 Pro against the iPhone 14 Pro.

Google makes every shortcoming of the iPhone 14 Pro crystal evident in a discussion between the two phones.

Google even makes the painful decision to cut the commercial short with the dialogue from the iPhone 14 Pro owing to low battery


Smartphone manufacturers frequently make fun of one another by ridiculing features or goods, especially in advertisements. This is something Samsung is well known for doing to Apple, which is typically the target. Google’s most recent advertisement pits the Pixel 7 Pro against what appears to be the iPhone 14 Pr in a direct jab at Apple.

Google making fun of Apple
Google published an advertisement for the Pixel 7 Pro that features a conversation between the phone and the iPhone 14 Pro. The iPhone 14 Pro can be seen complaining about how less well-liked it is than the more traditional phones using the hashtag #BestPhonesForever.
The iPhone continues by mentioning the camera features of the Pixel 7 Pro, like Cinematic Blur, Astrophotography mode, and 30x magnification, and adds that it might never be able to perform these things. Additionally, the iPhone 14 Pro claims to be envious of the AI in the Pixel 7 Pro.

The iPhone 14 Pro’s blue bubbles (iMessage) are then brought up by the Pixel 7 Pro, obviously making fun of the fact that it is the only item that sticks out at the moment. Millions of people would wait in queue for iPhones, according to the iPhone 14 Pro’s complaints, and it used to be the most common lighter at concerts.

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The iPhone 14 Pro shuts off due to low battery while still speaking, which is another jab at iPhones for not having as strong of a battery advantage over Android phones. But the story doesn’t end there. It appears like the Pixel 7 Pro is protesting the lack of a USB-C port on iPhones by yelling for a Lightning cord.


The advertisement makes no attempt at subterfuge, and Google has slapped the iPhone square in the face. In the last 16 hours, the advertisement has received 1.7 million views on YouTube. You can judge whether or not this advertisement was offensive, but Google undoubtedly wins the prize for this one.

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